U-5o) REFRIGERATORS (k-3) ROOFERS (B-4) FERTILIZERS (r-8) TRAILERS (r-12) AUTOS FOR SALE TAMPA MORNING TRIBUNE, Thursday, August 11, 1949 25 (31 SWAP THIS FOR THAT FACTORY reconditioned elec. refrigera ROOFING of aU kinds. Bonded built-up Tlla asbestos shingles. All work TRAILER HITCHES TRAILER BRAKES PHIL'S GARGE, Plant Willow, H-42781 Swap new "EASY" WASHER for good used furniture, all or part of purcbaM price, balance easy payments. Checker Furniture 1329 Franklin.
M-1528. FILL DIRT, PER $1.25 Muck. Peat, Top Soil Yard. $3.50 Come Out, Select the Soil You Want MUCK LOT 1004 S. Dale Mabry Phone H-55793 THREE HANDSOME OLD Antique Shop.
Bellevie' TUREENS r. Fla. FUR COAT, new, beautiful brown beaver. Trade or sell. 8503 Tampa St.
WANT cood moving picture camera. 16 mm. with telescopic lens. Will swap auto mechanical work, or auto parts or Fire-store merchandise. Warner Grable.
H-5366. CREAM OF THE CROP 1948 DeSoto custom sedan, like new. with all equipment $1995 1947 DeSoto custom 4 dr. sedan, like new 1795 1946 DeSoto custom 4 dr. sedan.
a beauty 159S 1947 Plymouth special deluxe 4-door sedan, low mileage 1295 1941 Plymouth 4-door sedan. very clean 695 1941 Dodge business coupe, very clean 695 MANY OTHERS HUMPHREY MOTORS, INC. DeSoto Plymouth Distributors 1602 Florida Ave. Phone M-2681 Night 31-8075 I I AUTOS TOR SALE Save $200 Small Payments 1942 Chev. sedan, runs good $75 dn.
1941 Dodge sedan, runs good 95 dn. 1939 Plymouth sedan, cood mtr. SO dn. 1938 Chev. sedan.
A good car 75 dn. 1938 Ford coupe, runs good 65 dn. 1937 Ply. sedan, runs extra good 65 dn. 1937 Ford eoupe.
runs Sz looks good 65 dn. 1936 DeSoto, clean and good motor SO dn. FULL PRICE $75 1937 Dodge sedan, runs good. 1936 Chevrolet sedan, good motor, 1937 Plymouth sedan, good motor. 1938 Chevrolet sedan, extra good.
1900 TAMPA ST. M-3064 $65 DOWN 1937 Chevrolet 2-dr. sedan. Runs good. Auto Mart, 3719 Fla.
YOUR CHOICE $100 TOTAL PRICE 1940 Nash 4-dr. sedan. 1937 Dodge 4-dr. sedan. -1936 Chrysler 4-dr.
sedan. 1934 Chevrolet 4-dr. sedan. 1934 Chevrolet 2-dr. sedan.
YOUR CHOICE $45 TOTAL PRICE 1936 Chevrolet Standard 2-dr. sedan. 1935 Chevrolet standard pickup. YOUR CHOICE $50 DOWN 1936 Ford 2-dr sedan. 1936 Ford coupe.
1935 Ford 4-dr. sedan. 1934 Ford coupe pick-up. 1934 Chevrolet sport coupe. SCHMIDT MOTORS 2808 FLORIDA AVE.
M-6838 "USED CARS THAT CAM BE USEDV BEVIS MOTOR CAR CO 4212 FLA 1948 FORDS Formerly U-Drtve-Itg Low mlleaee. $200 under market orice Perfect cond. Will accept trade. See at Red top U-Drlve-It Service. Cass and Highland.
Cadillac sedan $1195 Plymouth 2-dr 495 Chrysler sedan 69o Many others Terms Trade Chas. White Used Cars 4308 Nebraska Ave. Ph. 33-2181 or 33-1602 TAMPA'S LOWEST PRICES "Madman" Morris 3016 Fla. Ave.
Prewar Prices on Prewar Cars 1941 Bulrk special sedan $395 1939 Olds, good tires Sc radio 295 1936 Chev. runs like new. 1Q37 Fnrri. all new mach. 1936 Ford, original paint, new tires 295 Other Prewar Cars 1930-1941 Some Cars $50 Down KOTLER'S USED CARS 3506 Florida Ave SAVE $200 1949 Plymouth.
Only 25 miles. Fully W.S.W., undercoated. Only $1895 AUTO MART, 3719 FLORIDA 1938 CHEV. sedan. New paint, new seat covers, good tires, good motor.
Only $245. $95 bal. 12 mo. 1900 Tampa St. M-3064.
47 Chev. Vi-ton pickup $895 "46 Ford super deluxe 8 coupe 895 Chevrolet special dlx. coupe 695 40 Ford deluxe 8 4-dr. sedan 595 '38 Plymouth 4-dr. sedan 395 '37 Plymouth 2-dr sedan 295 MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM SHORT PROFIT HALE 606 Memorial Hwy Phone H-5153 1941 CHRYSLER Windsor.
1 owner. See 2812 Parkland Blvd. 1941 FORD convertible. "46 motor. Radio, wheel parts.
Good condition, $495 best offer. 3311 San Juan, Apt. 7. 1938 PLYMOUTH 2-dr. Looks good, runs good.
$35 cash, $18 mo. 6314 41st St. '40 CHEVROLET club coupe, fine condition. Private owner. 1714 Va Hills Ave.
'48 CROSLEY sta. wagon. 9000 miles. Sacrifice $550. 510 Memorial Hwy.
1948 Willys Station Wagon Overdrive. Will sell to first customer with reasonable offer. 1946 Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan Mechanically sound. Appearance good. Will sell under market price.
SUNSHINE MOTORS, Inc. WILLYS-OVERLAND DISTRIBUTORS 200 S. Tampa St. Phone M-3160 open Evenings 1941 FORD TUDOR Reconditioned motor, good tires and fine appearance. $695 -BOYLE MOTOR CO.
CAMPBELL AUTO SALES 119 Florida Ave. Tampa. Fla. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT EASY TERMS 49 Mercury club $1995 49 Ford custom 1595 1795 48 Hudson 4-dr. 48 International panel 89a 47 Buick sedanette, clean 1495 47 Chev.
2-dr 47 Chev. conv. cpe 1395 47 Mercurv elta cne 1295 47 Plymouth 4-dr. 1245 47 Ford 2-dr 1095 46 Pontiac 4-dr 1295 4b Austin 43 46 Intl. pickup.
i-ton 795 42 Pontiac sedanette 795 41 Hudson clean 495 41 Ford club coupe 49o 41 Ford pickup 595 41 Ford coupe 595 41 Dodge 2-dr 745 41 Olds hyd 695 41 Chevrolet clb. cpe. 695 41 Mercurv 4-dr 91 41 Chevrolet pickup 595 40 Chevrolet 4-dr. 545 39 Pontiac clean 493 36 Terraplane sedan 145 36 Ford Tudor 245 35 Ford coupe 195 MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM HAWKE MOTOR SALES 4404 Fla. Ave.
Ph. 31-6151 Open Evenings and Sunday SPECIAL TODAY '49 Cadillac "62" sedan ette; like new. '49 Chevrolet Aero, less than 20 miles 1935 '49 Chev. conv 1995 '47 Olds '98' 4-dr. 1595 '47 Chev.
4-dr. F. 1195 47 Buick conv. 1795 '47 Plym. 1195 '47 Buick 4-dr.
1495 '46 Cadillac '62' 1895 '40 Ford Tudor 695 '40 LaSalle 4-dr. 695 '40 Chev. club 445 '40 Plymouth 2-dr. 395 '40 Buick 4-dr. 795 '38 LaSalle 4-dr 295 '36 Ford conv.
coupe 695 '35 Chevrolet 2-dr. 95 '34 Pontiac sedan 75 WILLIAMS BROS. AUTO EXCHANGE 1702 Fla. Ave. Open Ph.
M-3438 TU 9 P. M. GI MUST sell '42 Olds hvrlra. convert- lole, leather seats, radio, heater, good conaiuun. uniy 3ou.
Z233. 1941 PONTIAC 8 sedan. a real buy for $250 down. H-1325. QUALITY AUTOMOBILES '48 Buick sedanette '47 Buick 1895 '48 Chev.
4-dr. Fleetline 1695 '41 Chevrolet 2-dr. 745 '48 Ford club 1395 '47 Ford 2-dr. 1195 '42 Plymouth 4-dr. 595 FAMOUS FOR FAIR DEALING E.
O. Clifton Auto Sales 4116 FLORIDA AVE. TONY WEIR '31 FORD Model A sedan 8 95 '37 BUICK coupe 195 '29 MODEL A FORD coune 119 2212 Florida Ave. M-2382 '37 TERRAPLANE sedan; clean and good condition. -Must ecll, $200.
204 w. (r-12) '39 '38 '37 '34 '37 '31 '30 No. or '46 '39 43 AUTOS FOR SALE VISIT OUR LOT CHECK OUR PRICES Mercury 4-dr. R. H.
$145 Dn. Ford sedan 95 Dn. Chevrolet, radio 95 Dn. Chevrolet, extra clean. 75 Dn.
Plymouth Tudor, nice 95 Dn. Model A Ford coupe 75 Dn. Ford pickup 25 Dn. W. T.
Cooper Used Cars 3719 Florida Auto Mart M-305T 1941 MERCURY CLUB COUPS One owner. Original paint. Fully equipped, $795. Auto Mart, 3719 Fla. BUICK sedanette.
beautiful green, bought new 1947: perfect motor, good tires, pvt. owner bargain. 8503 Tampa. 1 blk. of Waters.
HERTZ Rent-a-Cai Service of Florida. 226 So. Waters has a few 1943 Chevrolet cars for sale. Considerable savings under market prices. These cars are guaranteed unconditionally for 4000 miles, 90 days, whichever occurs first.
Chev. pickup track Ford pickup 295 39 Chevrolet panel 345 Intl. 1 Ms-ton 450 HOMER F. HERNDON 3908 Florida Ave. Phone M-1734 ROLLS-ROYCE Phantom Dover sedan.
Canvas top, midnight blue with black trim and chromium fittings. Four new tires, two spares and Southwind heater. Sacrifice price $1500. Owner going overseas. Can be tried by appt.
Call Venice 3401. SPECIAL TODAY 1946 Ford station wagon, low mileace drives perfect. $945. R. L.
MOORE. 3010 Florida Ave. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES -NO FINANCE CHARGE On This List of Cars THREE DAYS ONLY Thursday Friday Saturday '41 (2) Plymouth. $795 '41 Plymouth coupe 645 '41 Nash 4-dr. (600) 595 '40 Dodge 1-ton 495 '38 Dodge 4-dr 245 '37 Graham sedan 195 '36 Oldsmobile 6 295 '36 (2) Oldsmobile 8....
195 '36 Oldsmobile L-ton PU 195 '35 Ford sedan delivery. 195 '35 Hudson sedan 145 '31 Ford Victoria 145 '29 Ford Model A pickup 145 (Note. Subtract 13 from selling price for down pay ment; divide balance by number months for desired payments.) C. H. (Monty) Monts De Oca 1512 Tampa St.
Ph. M-1377 COULD YOTJ FIND A FINER SELECTION OF DEPENDABLE CARS THAN AT THE BIO USED CAR LOT OF BECKW1TM-HOLMES I ALL CARS ARE PERSONALLY ENDORSED 1947 DODGE a-ur. sedan Gray finish. Very clean. Radio and heater $129 1947 MERCURY Club Coupe Radio TRULY a good bur fc heater.
1991 1947 DODGE 4-Door Sedan Fluid Drive, fully equipped, driven only miles 1395 1946 HUDSON (61 sedan Runs good. Look! food 1098 1941 PACKARD (120 Sedan Clean throughout. Exceptionally good 791 1941 FORD Sedan. 4-dr. New paint.
Rune good 1940 HUDSON super 6 4-Door Sedan A real good one 345 1940 MERCURY 4 Door Sedan New paint. A very good car 545 1940 PACKARD U10 z-Dr. sedan New paint. Priced -low at 405 1941 DODGE 4 Door sedan Equipped. A clean car.
Priced below market 695 1939 BUICK "SPECIAL" 4-Door Sedan Fully equipped. It is really 565 1940 BUICK SPECIAL 4-ooor sedan Fully- equipped, clean as a pin 1940 PACKARD "120" 4-Door sedan it Is one-owner car, very elean with all new tires and puncture-proof tubes. Only COS 140 PLYMOUTH 4-uoor sedan Exceptionally good car, fully equipped 84 1936 CHEVROLET a-Door Good transportation. MANY OTHER OUTSTANDING VAXUBS LOWEST POSSIBLE TERMS THIS TIME BEE BECKWITH-HOLMES MOTOR CARS SINCE 1910 711 GR. Central.
Ph. H-3802 LOT HOURS Through Thursday 8 to 6:30 Monday Friday and Saturday to a SUNDAY 1936 Chevrolet 2-dr. Runs like new 1937 Ford 85 8245 1942 Harley Davidson (74). Perfect 39 1931 A Model Ford. Runs perfect.
KOTLER'S USED CARS 3506 Florida Ave. ELKES-ONIZED Cars Carry our Written Warranty 1948 CROSLEY STATION WAGON Only driven 11,600 miles. In very nice condition inside and out. Real econ omy at a price you can afford to Pay $375 1941 Dodge fluid drive sedan 8675 193B Chevrolet std. coupe 275 1941 Dodge extra nice 695 CASH-TRADE TERMS ELKES PONTIAC CO.
1119 Grand Central Phone H-3711 PRICED TO SELL 1946 PONTIAC 8 sedan coupe. Radio, low mileace, exceptionally clean: on OUR SPECIAL FOR TODAY ONLY, 81195 1940 OLDS 6 2-door sedan. Good motor and tires, excellent transportation for only 8395. 1937 BUICK convertible sedan. Radio, excellent motor and tires 1937 CHEVROLET 2-door sedan.
Motor fair, body and upholstery good 1937 LINCOLN-ZEPHYR 4-door sedan. Excellent tires motor and 8145 1935 FORD 2 dr. sedan. Good transportation 8145 1935 CHEVROLET 2-door sedan. Body fair, motor" rough SWINDLE, 1801 M-5781 Extra Special! '46 Buick 4-door sedan.
One owner. 27,000 actual miles. Lota of extras. Clean. Only 81495.
JAY BRAGGS' Priv. Owners' Car Exchange 1710 Grand Central Phone H-844J (r-12) tors. All makes, (69.50. Used elec. refrigerator, $50.
New apt. size, all porcelain 4 Burn, gas ranges, Also electric. STAR FURNITURE CO. 1201 Fkln. M-1389 MAAS BROTHERS repairs, reconditions.
and refinishes all makes refrigerators Prompt, efficient service. No charge for loaners, pick-up and delivery. Call M-3955. INSTANT SERVICE. WORK GUARAN TEED FORD REFRIGERATION.
32-2261 USED COOLERATOR. good $10. Other models S5. B. F.
Goodrich, 1000 Florida Ave. Ph. M-8024. (1-6) SEWING MACHINES SEWING MACHINE SALE 27 Rebuilt Singer Portables. $40f up.
15 Rebuilt Singer cabinet machines. and up. 12 Rebuilt Singer treadle machines. $40 up. 6 Other make portables make offer.
3 Other maka cabinet machines make offer. Wiss Pinking Shears, motors, machines machines electrified, all sold on easy terms. STEWART SEWING MACHINE CENTER 1427 Franklin St. M-2577 SEWING machines repaired in vour home, all makes. $1.50.
Ph. 33-6161. SINGER portable sewing machines for rent. 802 Lake Ave. M-54952.
CASH for Singers We buy more, we pay more. Stewart's. M-2577. SEWING MACHINE wanted, any make: dealers Ph 33-6161 1948 NEW HOME cabinet model, electric, good as new, $150. or near offer.
W-7242. SMALL elec. portable. a real buy at 115 W. Haya.
(i-7) MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS GUARANTEED PRACTICE PIANOS Thoroughly reconditioned for the begin ning music student with full purchase price trade allowance on new pianos for one year. Free bench, free delivery and very easy terms Free narking lot directly behind store. Se habla espanol. ARTHUR SMITH MUSIC CO. Tampa and Tyler Sts.
Phone M-6872 WELLINGTON medium upright, $125 cash. $10 monthly, or will rent. Turner's. 124 S. Franklin.
M-1275. New and Rebuilt Pianos ZUKOR, 123 S. FRANKLIN WE BUY. sell, trade, tune, rent, repair, refinish and rebuild pianos Leggett Music 3116 Fla. Ave.
Chlckermg, Wurlitzer and Winter Sc Co. Musette pianos, and HAM MOND ORGAN All styles, all woods Private easy payment plan. AK1HUK HlUlrl MUOU, CO. Cor. Tampa and Tyler Sts.
REFINISH YOUR PIANO PAY ON TERMS TURNER'S, 124 SO. FRANKLIN, M-1275 ESTEY baby grand, small "Stay In Tune" scale. Your old piano taken at liberal allowance. Terms. Turner's.
124 Franklin. M-1275. CASH FOR YOUR OLD PIANO TURNER'S. 124 SO FRANKLIN. M-1275 INSTRUMENT REPAIRS We repair, re-lacquer or refinish, rebuild or adjust and tune Trumpets and Cornets, Clarinets, Saxaphones, Horns.
Violins. Cellos. Violas and Basses Standard Prices Factory Methods ARTHUR SMITH MUSIC fU. 106 Tyler St. Phone M-6872 MINIPIANO.
6" narrower than other pianos. Lovely tone. $50 cash, balance monthly. Turner's. 124 S.
Franklin. M-1275 PIANOS TUNED. ALSO FREE ESTIMATES made on rebuilding Sc refinishing. Terms. ARTHUR SMITH MUSIC CO.
Tampa and Tyler. Phone M-6872 MATHUSHEK upright, very fine tone. Guaranteed $25 cash, balance monthly, or will rent. Turner's. 124 S.
We are never undersold. Easy payment plan. Free parking lot be hind store. ARTHUR SMITH MUSIC CO. Cor.
Tampa and Tyler Sts. HOBART CABLE upright piano, good condition. $125 cash. Call 5:30 to 6:30 P. M.
1005 S. Moody, Apt. 1. i-9) OFFICE EQUIPMENT DESKS. Mimeo.
chairs, cheap. 202 Hinson N.E cor. Mad'sn St Fkln. UNDERWOOD and Royal typewriters. 100' factory rebuilt.
Graytone finish. 2 monthly payments. Monroe Friden and Marchand calculators, reconditioned. under original price; unconditional service guarantee. KRESS Business Machines.
105 'i Zaek St. (j-12) CASH REGISTERS OHMER and Clary cash registers. Clary adding machine More to choose from. More tor your money ion cash Register Mart. 1407 Franklin M-1295 ti-141 MACHINERY NEW and REBUILT EQUIPMENT Backed by Guarantees From A Complete Service Shop Elec.
Motors 115 to 200 H. P. Centrifugal Pumps Gearhead Motors Electric Welders V-BELT DRIVES FLEXIBLE 'COUPLINGS Diesel Gasoline Engines Tampa Armature Works, Inc. Phone M-8264 DELTA wood working tools saws, join ers, band saws, lathes and sanders at Harry P. Leu.
Inc. Phone 9891 100 Livingston Orlando. Fla. BULLDOZER or DRAGLINE FOR RENT-Y-19475 SOUTH BEND LATHES 9" workshop lathes, 14" drill presses, and larger lathes thru 24" at Harry P. Leu.
Inc. Phone 9891. 100 W. Livingston Orlando. Fla.
Wood's Planer Matcher Ball-bearing top and bottom heads. Excellent condition. BLAKE LUMBER COMPANY Qlno H.h Avs Ph H-1CS Tamn PI a NEAT portable 1 mill on bus chassis including tractor, new gear ariven -power saw 6c button saw. Timber location. By contract.
If interested $2000. H. T. Adams. Gibsonton.
Fla. LARGE PLANER, never used, and a drill press. Call after 6, 31-4871. 906 E. Giddens.
(i-15) BURGLAR BARS MCDONALD PRY-PROOF BURGLAR BARS G. W. FISKE. DIST AGENCY 3218 Empedrado Phone H-5920 ti-18) BUILDERS' SUPPLIES CORRUGATED Iron sheets, 24 gauge. 8'10" 10'6" immediately available.
GENERAL ENGINEERING MACHINE CO. 3015 4th Ave. Ph. Y-1807 (k-11 BUILDERS-CONTRACTORS Plastering, stuccoing cement worn New low prices, responsible plasterer. 33-9244.
SEE US before you build. Residential and commercial construction Free estl mates. Edward L. Bolding Construction ine 506 Howard Ph H-3727 CONTRACTORS. ATTENTION We will do your sandblasting, commercial or in dustrial.
Also lack -hammer work. Call M-8434. (k-2) REPAIRING-REMODELING NEW HOMES ADDITIONS Repairs, nothing down. Whatley. Lie.
Free est. J. Phone 31-9844. GENERAL repairing and remodeling. reasonable, reliable.
No tob too large. Satisfaction guaranteed on all work Free estimates. Ph. 39-1435. CARPENTER, PAINTING AND REPAIR ING.
FREE ESTIMATES. PHONE 32-2451 BLOCK LAYING, foundation cement tloors. steps. Good wort Sc service r-3028 BLOCKS, brick laid, hour or piece, new ana repair worx. rirepiace.
iiues a SDe- cialty. Best of workmanship. Ph. Y-61387. k-2b TERMITE CONTROL PH.
H-3966 FOR FREE TERMITE INSP TERMITROL ENGINEERS. TAMPA. FLA (k-3) ROOFERS McMillan Roofing Service Asbestos and composition shingles and built-up roofs. Ph 33-9435 or H-1853. Crimp galvanized roofing, aluminum nd 28.
26 ga. galv. flat sheets. HILLSBORO ROOFING METAL CO. 4113 Nebraska Ave Phone 32-5191 ROOFING and asbestos siding, all kinds.
No money down. Small monthly payments. Repair work, a specialty. W. D.
Phone H-3081 Might H-85431 roofs. and for Easy pies teed. 108 $99 Ph. or Cor guaranteed. Prompt estimates.
H. B.J MOORE Roofing Co. Pn. H-5115 32-2221 PAY AFTER RAIN Roofing, painting. plastering.
Mitchell. M-56471 day or night. ROOFING. PAINTING, general repairs. Reasonable.
Phone 31-6741. L. L. TANNER ROOFING CO. Shingle built-up roofs, free estimates.
Phone 31-9494. day or night (k-4a) Washinq Machine Service WASHING machines repaired. All makes Including automatics. Work guaranteed. Fla.
Wash. Mach. 3809 M-2017 EASY WASHER sales and service by factors authorized experts Phone 33-1181 service or estimate Only genuine parts are used Prices very reasonable. STANLEY SYSTEM. Ill Genesee.
(k-5) PAINTING PAPERING Special Short Time Only Average room PAINTED 1 coat or PAPERED $17.50. Ph. Mlntzer, 32-1441. PAPERHANGING Estimates and free. J.
S. McCalL M-1637. IF YOU WANT a nice lob of painting or paperhanglng at low cost. Ph. M-53824.
FIRST class painting. Work guaran Prices right. 32-3448." (k-6) FLOOR SURFACING C. HOLLEY Sz SONS "The Original Holley" FLOOR SANDING AND REFINISHING Rental Machine. 1205 E.
Norfolk. 33-6512 SAND and FINISH or clean and refinish Machinery to rent, flooring furn and laid E. Ross M-3112 M. L. CURRY SON (k-7-a) PHOTOGRAPHIC MURALS SEE US for photographic murals St enlargements of all kinds.
Prices reasonable. Florida Mural 6619 Central Ave. 33-4721 (k-10a) Power Mowers and Service POWER MOWERS Brlggs Stratton engine. 18" cut. 95.
Small down payment, easy terms. RETREAD TIRE CO. Grand Central and Boulevard CLIPPER MOWERS SALES RENTALS Repair all type mowers; convert your hand mower to power. 1104 Gr. Central.
H-24742. PRONTO POWER MOWERS 20-inch gear drive model with Continental Red Seal 1.8 h.p. engine. $89.50 at factory, rash and carry. No trades or terms.
Positively open only 7 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. Not open Saturday afternoons Sundays.
Pronto Mowers, 2 Ml. E. of Oldsmar on Old Memorial Hwy. Sc Double Branch River POWER MOWERS ROTARY AND REEL TYPE EASIEST TERMS IN TOWN We Demonstrate and Deliver. PIONEER TIRE INC.
Tampa Sz Washington M-2671 Clipper Mowers Sale Sc Service Repair Mower, all type; convert hand mowers to power. 1104 rGand Central. Ph. H-24742 (k-ll-o) FURNITURE REFINISHING Refinish Repair Redecorate YOUR FURNITURE HOFFMAN'S 1108 HIGHLAND FREE ESTIMATES PHONE M-1380 (k-12) UPHOLSTERING REUPHOLSTERING COSTS at FERGUSON'S Call H-5766 1503 Grand LESS UPHOLSTERING and slip cover special prices for this month. Charged or budget plan.
Ph. H-5733. ask for Exchange desk. SEMINOLE 5206 Fla. Ave.
MATTRESS FACTORY Ph. 33-8251 (k-14) PLUMBING HEATING Septic Tanks Installed Complete With Drain Line State Approved RECORD BLOCK PLANT 2503 East Hillsborough Phone 31-3832 FOR YOUR NEXT plumbing lob call Oney Roche State and county license Free ests. 2305 Habana H-56642. ROBERT G. EDENF1ELD (EDENFIELD PLUMBING CO.) PLUMBING COMPLETE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE 311 E.
Buffalo Ph. M-3332 M-2819 PLUMBING Installation. repairing Septic tanks serviced Sc installed 33-blbl (k-211 MATTRESS RENOVATING HOOK MATTRESS FACTORY 1310 Grace St. Specializing in mattress renovating. One-day service.
MULES AND HOGS FLORIDA RENDERER3. INC Phone Y-19072 or Y-19363. Tampa, Collect 200 RABBITS, Jr. does and bucks. $5 pair: does with litters.
$5. 4427 40th St BULL SERVICE. Phone Vernon, 38-2724. (m-2) LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED milk cows st heifers, dry or fresh. Also beef Sc hogs.
Ph. Y-4581 CATTLE Sc HOGS. CALL J. W. KELLY Y-5681.
CONSIGN your horses, mules, milk cow or milk goats to us for good selling. charge for pasturage. Sale every Friday at 1 P. M. Market open daily for trading Watts Auction Market, S.
Orange Ave Ocala. Fla. Ph. 289 Green. (m-5) POULTRY SUPPLIES PULL PASSED.
Reds, Barrox Wh. Rox. 100. $16.50. Started, chicks, can snip C.O.D.
immediate snipment. TAMPA HATCHERY Fla. 3 ml. N. of Hillsboro.
31-041 SOMETHING NEW. egg washer and grader picking machin 4719 E. Broadway NEW HAMPSHIRE CHICKS THAT LIVE AND GROW n. S. Fla.
S. approved Pull, passed H. Reds. Barrox. Rocks, 100 $16.90.
Started chix up to 6 weeks old. add 3c per chick for each week Can ship C. O. D. DONLAN HATCHERIES Largest Hatchery on Florida W.
Coast E. Lake Si 42nd SI. Ph. Y-4056. Tampa BABY CHICKS Pullorum Passed 16 Breeds Write for Prices Engelmann Hatchery AVON PARK PRACTICALLY new brooder.
3 decks in unit. 115 W. Jean. (m-5-a) Poultry Supplies Wanted CONSIGN your horses, mules and milk cows to us for real action. Watts Auction Market.
Ocala. Fla. Phone 289 Green. Sale every Friday at 1 WANT 25 or 50 White or Brown Leghorn laying pullets. Address P.
O. Box 5902, Tampa, stating price and location. (m-6) DOGS, CATS. BIRDS. PETS co*ckER puppies, snow, breeding and pet stock.
2705 W. Columbus H-58221 co*ckER SPANIEL puppies and champion co*ckers at stud. South Florida Kennels. 13425 Florida Ave. Ph.
31-5423. PUPS Toy Fox Terriers, $25; co*ckers. $20: Squirrel monkeys. $35; Baby Gray Fox. S25: Tropical fish, canaries.
Finchs. Siskins. Large stock pet supplies. THE PES KEY PET SHOP. 1113 Franklin.
Ph M-3161. ENGLISH BULLDOG male. 18 pedigreed. A.K.C. Ph.
W-5212. YEAR OLD male terrier, good watch dog 6c child's pet, $5. Ph. 32-0772. (n-1) SEEDS.
TREES, PLANTS SHRUBS, trees, citrus, palms, chemical fert. Gulf Floral. 5906 Ola. 33-4604 Tractor Work Plowing Discing, Leveling, Clearing M-65901 CITRUS TREES, bearing size, most any variety. Balled and burlaped.
Delivered and planted. $2.50. Ph. 33-2001. SPRAYING citrus Sc shrubs, also chinch bugs, top soiling Sc planting, taking down trees.
Ph. 31-5428. ORNAMENTALS St shrubs. Peat Sc dairy by bushel. Hollywood at Florida, 31-4573 ORNAMENTALS and fruit trees.
Tay-lor's Nursery. 907 E. Hamilton. Ph. 33-9613.
FANCY LEAF CALADIUMS Closing out our beautiful seedlings. All colors, no 2 alike, in gal. cans, $1.50 value, all you want at 25c. FREEMAN'S NURSERY 1422 E. Osborne Ph.
32-2942 HIBISCUS Thirty thousand, small to large plants, many varieties, wholesale, retail; no shipping; selling every day. Hibiscus Farm Nursery. 1H miles east of Dunerlln. State Highway 580. PLUMBAGO, 4" POTS.
35c PINES. $1.50 DOZ. SURINAM CHERRY, $2 60 DOZ. $20. 100 KNULti FLORAL CO 9611 Memorial Hwy.
Ph. H-446M 1 We $28. soil PULVERIZED peat, dairy, stable Sc poultry fertilizer, chopped tobacco stems, tobacco dust. Also black top soil. We deliver bag, 1 cubic yd.
and up. Wholesale by truck or rail. Strickland Fertilizer Co. 8th and 25th St. Phone Y-1274 PEAT Special best duality, pulverized oi rough prices 58-1635.
PULVERIZED PEAT, muck, dairy fert. deliver any amount. 4 yds. $16; 8 yds See these materials. 4501 Fla.
Fulton Pond Peat Phone 32-3854. -MUCK. $3 yd Too soil. $2 yd. Delivered.
Ph. 34-1854. 5206 No. MacDill. FILL DIRT DELIVERED.
M-7257 OR M-64361. $1 PER YD. PULVERIZED black top soil. 4 $8.50. Ph.
33-1399. 7700 No, Armenia. TOP SOIL, best grade, no weeds, or hard lumps. $2 yd. Peat or rich black for beds.
$3 yd. Delivered. Y-19421. NOW available. X-Cel lawn garden fertilizer, with Chlordane added.
Controls mole crickets chinch bugs. JACKSON GRAIN Ph. M-3751. (o-l) BOATS-MARINE SUPPLIES The New Champion Outboard Motors Sales Service Parts SMITH Sc PORTON. INC.
"The City Hall Is Opposite Us" SPECIALIZED OUTBOARD SERVICE On All Makes. 202 13th St. M-2734 SEMINOLE BOATS FISHING. 12 ft. fir.
$100. FISHING, 14 fir. $120. PAPOOSE. 12 $127.50.
ATWATER MARTIN MOTORS, SEALS BOATS MOTORS. 3922 NEBRASKA AVE. J-O-H-N-S-O-N Spells DEPENDABIL-ITY in outboards. S-E-R-V-I-C-E By factory trained mechanics Is spelled CONNELLY'S MARINE 14 S. Franklin Ph.
St. Petersburg 14 FT. Thompson boat 6 H. P. Mercury motor.
Complete with trailer. cover, anchor, rope paddle. A-l con- ltion. $300. Memorial Trailer ParK, Memorial Highway North St.
CHRYSLER marine engines, parts service. GENERAL ENGINEERING Sc MACHINE CO. 3015 4th Ave. fn. y-ibuv EVINRUDE MOTORS Factory Authorized Sales.
Service, Parts EUWAKDS MOIOK UU. 2208 Florida Ave. Ph. M-3455 12 FT. BOAT.
6 H.P. Mercury, car-top arrier. Ph. H-28191. 1 EVINRUDE MOTORS Sales fc Service.
Rental Motors PIONEER TIRE CO. Tampa and Washington Sts. Ph. M-2671 $75 BOATS $75 12-ft. semi-U marine plywood fishboats.
Best boat buy in state. CONNELLY'S MARINE 114 S. Franklin Ph. M-1492 MOTOR BARGAIN 48 Sea Bee 5 h.p. Used only 25 hours.
$75 See to appreciate. Phone H-22053. SPONGE boat "Dixie." 34x12x3 'i; ex cellent for fishing: heavy built with Uni versal 100't marine motor; sans iuuy equipped, in fine condition. Priced low due to sickness of owner. Apply Tarpon Ways Tarpon Springs, (la.
(r-1) AUTO REPAIRING FRANK WILLIE BODY SHOP Rear door downtown. B. B. Super Market Convertible Tops, Seat Covers Bead Linings Front and Rear Flooi Mats Auto Woodwork of All Kinds STEVE'S TOP SHOP 1411 Marion St. Phone M-2416 CITY RADIATOR WORKS 27 Years' Experience In Tampa 4503 Florida Phone 32-4311 BEAR Wheel Aligning FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS It Corrects Excessive Tire Wear Road Shimmy and Steering Troubles FACTORY TRAINED OPERATORS Also Complete Brake Service For Prompt Service See MR.
GANN Humphrey Motors, Inc. 1601 or 1602 Florida Ave. Ph. M-1736 (r-2) AUTO PAINTING DON'T BE SEE HONEST JOHN'S He'll paint your car with a factory-like baked-on finish it's only $29.50. Phone 31-0834.
Recommendations gladly given 5020 22nd St (Near HiusDorougn i (r-6) TRACTORS-FARM EQUIP INTERNATIONAL 1-6 tractor with grove fenders, extra clean, good rubber. John Deere. Model AO, grove tractor, electric starter, extra good tires. 0-6 Int'l. grove tractor, streamlined.
Model John Deere grove tractor, good rubber runs good Several other good farm tractors. Call DAN RVALb. M-1D04 ORANGE STATE MOTOR CO. 406 Brush St Phone M-1504 (r-7) MOTORCYCLES. BICYCLES CLEAN.
LATE MODEL MOTORCYCLES Good Buys Can Finance BARNES CYCLE CO. "Ynur Harlev Davidson Dealer" 1609 GRAND CENTRAL PH. H-1964 SPECIAL THIS WEEK Vnm Blcvcle completely overhauled anfl painted, S4.95. Se Habla Esoanol BASS FURNITURE BICYCLE TOY REPAIR 3811 Florida. M-3532 CASH FOR GOOD CSED MOTORCYCLES Will also finance sales rn.
ji-0941. PAY $95 DOWN: RIDE THE NEW Harley-Davidson "125" a "108 Miles to Gallon Gas" 12 MONTHS TO PAY BALANCE BARNES CYCLE CO. "Your Harley-Davidson 1609 GRAND CENTRAL Dealer" PH. H-1964 (r-8) TRAILERS '46 LUXURY LINER, $1100 or highest bid. Must sell.
11th St. Lot 42. Municipal Trailer Park. TRAILERS New Used 250 to $3000 PRICED TO SELL 8311 FLORIDA RALPH All Kinds of Trailer Parts Trailer Repairing, Painting, Etc. BEST BUYS In New and Used Trailers 4427 Nebraska Ave.
TRAILERS FOR ANY HAULING Bought, Sold, Built, Rented Axles, Wheels, Hitches, Bodies in Stock We Rent Trailers. Hitches and Dollies MURRAY'S 1600 E. Hillsborough TRAILER BARGAINS New and used. 20 to select from. Priced from $400 up.
Cash, trade or low down payment, easy terms. See DICK HARRIS Open 7 days a week. TAMPA TRAILER SALES BOTTLE GAS CO 8312 FLORIDA AVENUF SAVE $1000 1949 System 33 4 rooms, perma nent b-'d. shower and toilet. Circular dinette making up into separate bedroom 6 cu.
ft. elec. refrigerator, apt. size bot tle gas ranee, hot water heater. For ouick sale.
3250 Many others to choose from. All sizes and models. Priced from $250. Open every evening until 9. Trailer Village Sales 11650 NEBRASKA AVE.
TRAILER 16-ft. Prairie Schooner, fair ly cood cond. Best offer this month will take it. Mrs. Wagner place.
Limona. MODEL "19" VAGABOND NOW ON DISPLAY KENNEDY'S 4427 Nebraska Ave. LUXOR 25 trailer for sale. Elec bottled gas and hot water, beauti fully finisned inside and out. very reas.
priced. 5410 Forest Hill Drive. Ph. 32-5131 SEE THESE BARGAINS BEFORE YOU BUY New Moon 24 Your Dollar Buys More in a 24 29-Ft. Continental 25-Ft.
Liberty 21-Ft. New Moon 14-Ft. Tini-Home 28-Ft. All-Metal Howard 17-Ft. Mobile 18-Ft.
Vagabond 25-Ft. Elcar BAGGER'S TRAILER SALES 3411 Nebraska Ave. on Big August Sale On Trailers, Awnings Dolleys $100 TO $500 OFF FOR CASH The biggest buys, lowest prices, highest trade-ins and easiest terms. 33-ft. ZIMMER, 2 bedrooms 33-ft.
KIT Custom Deluxe 29-ft. ANDERSON, twin beds down on new trailers. A nice selection of used trailers. for as little as 10 down, and long, easy terms. SELLHORN'S Sarasota 5802 Nebrasba Ave.
Fla. Tampa. Fla. WANT best house trailer about $60 will buy. Box Z-237, Tribune.
CLEAN USED TRAILERS Budget Priced to Sell Easy Payment Plan We Dare You to Stop and See These Bargains STOLL TRAILER SALES 4125 NEBRASKA PHONE 32-3902 1948 Tandem Soarton Manor. $2900: nice lot; private bath: portable porch. Owner being transferred. 4511 Dale Mabry, Trailer Haven, Ph. W-7101.
YOUR CHOICE 49 and 46 Soarton Manor Trailers, sleeps 4, both like new. Ph. M-5443. 1710 Grand Central. (r-10) TRUCKS BUSES '49 CHEVROLET.
nickuo. 4000 ml. A real buy. Can finance. D.
Ca-hoon. Office, Trailer Village. 11650 Ne braska. TRUCK HEADQUARTERS '41 International K7 tractor. 5th wheel, side tanks, extra good rubber and mainte nance, tag.
'45 International ipickup, extra clean. Call DAN RYALS, M-1504 ORANGE STATE MOTOR CO. 406 Brush St Phone M-1504 48 FORD F8. like new $2250 '47 White sleeper cab. 150A motor.
excellent buy 2500 '45 CHEV. LWB. 2 speed axle, clean 750 '47 FRUEHAUF 28' Ref. Van, M. New 2500 '45 FRUEHAUF 28' Ref.
Van, rebuilt 2495 '45 GREAT DANE 28' Ref. Van, good 1995 Hunt Truck Sales Service CMC AND WHITE TRUCKS FRUEHAUF TRAILERS 211 S. Tampa St. Phone M-8304 1948 CHEVROLET b-ton pickup. $1200.
Can finance. 806 Jackson. TRAILER SPECIALS '46 28-ft. stainless steel refrigerator van: 10.00x20 tires, very good shape. '47 30-ft.
Gramm tandem refrigerator van: good tires, new guarantee. Used single axle 30-ft. cattle rack; new paint, good rubber, low price. FLORIDA COMMERCIAL TRAILER CORP. GRAMM DISTRIBUTORS 1002 Jackson St.
Phone M-3109 133" Cab and Stake Extra clean 1939 GMC 1-ton truck. Excellent tires, almost new motor. Just right for farm or grove. $495 BOYLE MOTOR CO. LINCOLN-MERCURY 1415 Florida Ave.
(r-11) USED CARS WANTED WILL Day top dollar for clean '38 49 cars Phone 31-6151. IF YOU HAVE A CAR TO SELL. COME TO: 2104 FLORIDA AVE PH. M-3528 SELL YOUR CAR at a dealer's price. 4007 Fla.
Ave. Phone 33-3231. FOR THE BEST deal on your car, Phone M-2327. Prefer light '38 to 4rs. WILL PAY Chev.
Vt ton best price for pickup. M-1377. 40 or Monty. '41 (r-12) AUTOS FOR SALE See These Exceptional Values 48 Nash Ambassador 4-dr. sedan $1565 46 Nash Ambassador 4-dr.
sedan 1195 46 Nash 600 4-dr. sedan 1095 40 Nash 2-door 445 47 Hudson 6 4-door sedan 1195 42 Studebaker Champion 645 37 Plymouth 4-door sedan 445 30 Model A Ford 145 LADO SCHULSTAD "YOUR NASH DEALER" 111 E. "Cass St. Phone M-3711 1941 FORD 2-dr. Will sell for balance due to finance Co.
Aetna Finance Co. 501 Twiggs St 1941 HUDSON will sell for balance due to finance Co. Aetna Finance 501 Twiggs St. FERMAN USED CARS With an O. K.
That Counts 1428 FLORIDA AVE. PHONE M-2196 48 Ford V-8 sedan 48 Chev. radio, WSW tires, plastic seat covers 1595 47 Chevrolet clean 1395 47 Chev. 4-dr. Fleetline 1445 46 Chevrolet 2-door 1195 46 Ford radio sedan.
1095 42 Chev. coupe; 545 41 Chevrolet town sed. 795 '41 Plymouth 4-dr. sedan 745 '41 Ford station wagon. 745 '41 Olds club sed.
795 '40 Pontiac 2-door sedan 495 40 Buick 4-dr. Special sedan; extra 795 '39 Olds 4-dr. sedan 325 '39 Hudson sedan 325 '37 Plymouth sedan 245 36 Chev. stnd. tudor 295 '48 GMC 2-ton; LWB, stake body 1495 '47 Dodge -ton pickup 895 '46 Studebaker LW 945 '46 Dodge lV-ton c.
895 '46 GMC tractor 795 '46 Chev. lwb, 995 '40 Bantam pickup 125 MANY. MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM FERMAN CHEVROLET CO 1428 Florida Ave. Phone M-2196 open Nignts until 9 Clock CLOSED SUNDAY Steuart Albritton Tampa's Finest V3 DOWN, BAL. UP TO 24 MOS.
PLYMOUTH. 1947 Sol. Dlx. 4-dr beautiful dark blue, one owner, very low mileage $1289 BUICK. 1948 sedanette tu-tone green, fully equipped, a honey $1899 "CHEVROLET, 1947 Aerosedan, loaded with everything, 16,000 actual miles.
Honestly, this car is like $1489 STEUART ALBRITTON A GREAT NAME IN CLEAN CARS 1200 Fla. Cor. Fortune Phonea M-3524 M-7464 '46 Plymouth Spec. Del Orig. in terior like new.
new tires. $1075. $395 dn '41 Ford Deluxe 85 Bus. coupe. Runs extra good.
Clean $543. $245 dn. '40 Chev. Spec. Deluxe town sedan, Mech.
good. Clean. $675. $315 down. '40 Pontiac Spec.
6 Deluxe Tudor. Equip Air control, it. m. soya. 5255 down 40 riym.
Dei. sedan. Needs some re pairs. $465. IiMo down.
F. M. Dugger Used Cars 1601 Tampa St. Ph. M-2327 is.H rvttu -or.
deluxe sedan, one owner, good 3610 PeLeuil Ave '39 Ford conv 95 dn '38 Olds conv. 135 dn. '39 Buick sedan 85 dn wi -ia Ave. ro. 33-3231 '47 '47 4H '47 A TRADE equity in house, all GE kitchen, 1.
sr. old. for late model car. or make other arrangements. Ph.
M-52733. EQUITY in 2-beejroom furn home close in. near schools and bus, for late model car. Phone M-51884. BEAUTIFUL old fireplace mirror.
Decorative. Antique Shop. Belleview. Fla. li-3o) ANTIQUES BRIC-A BRAC.
COT Mills 503 Franklin GLASS. CHINA ANTIQUE FURNITURE reasonable. Glass china. Cermak. off 5200 Interbay.
W-4114. BEAUTIFUL old fireplace mirror. Deco-rative. Antique Shop. Belleview.
SELL AND TRADE PH Y-1161 KEHOE FURNITURE CO. 169.50 PLATFORM rockers, brand new. aliehtlv rlamazeri. 29 50 cash. CheaDer platform rocker 812.50 I Wren IIP Oregon ttF.n 1S8 twin mnrile suite.
$89.50 ARKUS FURNITURE 1317 Franklin UNFINISHED CHESTS, slightly damaged. $10.50 Wren. 119 N. Oregon. brand new, cash.
D. J. HOLLYWOOD BED outfit, $29.95 SOUTHERN FURN. 1110 Florida END Sc COFFEE tables. Brand new, slightly damaged, cheap for cash.
D. J. Wren, 119 No. Oregon. FREE 20 PC.
CHIN AW ARE SET with purchase of 5 pc. chrome dinette. only $39.95. with exten. leaf tbl.
drawer Star Furniture Co. 1201 Franklin. M-1389 REG. $89 3-pc. map.
or wal. B. R. Set. $49.95.
ARKUS FURN. 1317 Franklin (49.50 INNERSPRING mattresses, brand new slightly damaged. $23 cash Cheaper lnnerspnng mattresses. $13. J.
Wren 119 No. Oregon. (99.50 DURAN plastic sofa beds, brand new. slightly damaged. $4.
50 casn. fasten ing piattorm rockers, 519.50: cnairs. sa.ou D. J. Wren, 119 N.
Oregon. $89.50 HOLLYWOOD Beds, brand new, slightly damaged, $47 cash. Cheaper Hol lywood beds, (31. D. J.
wren. 119 pi Oregon. Reg. $89 New Sofa Beds $39.50 Arkus Furn. 1317 Frkln NEW $119 3 pc.
parlor suite. $59.95. ARKUS FURN. 1317 Franklin. CLEARANCE SALE $150 Blonde see.
living rm. set $60.00 (159 blonde 2-pc. soft bed 89.95 69 5-pc. blonde dinette set 39.95 29 Blonde platform rockers 13.95 (159 Solid ash bedroom set 69.95 69 Hollywood beds 39.95 FURNITURE BARGAIN HOUSE 3101 Bay-to-Bay, at MacDill SHOP and SAVE Where Prices Lowest In Town Universal Furniture Co. 2604 E.
Broadway Free Parking Y-1043 YOUR mattress made Into a guaranteed lnnerspnng mattress fot $17.50 Shaw Mattress Factory 202 S. Rome. Ph H-1616 WASHING MACHINE, late model. $85; apt. electric stove.
Universal. $95; Cold-spot 6 '49 model. $145 Waede. 1424 Franklin $225 BEDROOM suites, brand new. slightly damaged.
$97 cash, cheaper bedroom suites. $43 Wren. 119 No Oregon. SAVE at the OUTLET! 2-pc. cane-back living rm.
suite, $19.50. Sofa bed $29.50. 3-pc. bedrm. $49.50.
5-pc. drop-leaf -dinette set. (32.50. Unfinished drop- leaf table. $12.95.
OUTLET FURNITURE 2702 Nebraska. Ph. M-2165. HOOVER vacuum cleaner. ice box.
$6. M-52682. $10; 50 lb. nirntr specials, odd beds. $9.95 fViil anrinzn.
S7 95. New box snrings and inner5pring mattresses. $19.50. Fiber wardrobe. $2.95.
Floor lamps. $49d Meral nnrrh rhair. (3 95. OUTLET FUR NITURE 2702 Nebraska. Ph.
M-2165. OUTLET BARGAINS. Solid oak dinete set with buffet. $67.50. Porcelain utility inVilAc TTnfin corner cabinet (I 95.
Occasional chairs. $6.95. End tables. $2 95. Solid oak desk and chair, $16 95.
OUTLET FURNITURE 2702 Nebraska. M-2165. BABY BEDS FOR RENT Mother Goose Furniture Co. 206 E. Cass Phone M-3197 REG.
$1.19 Glazed Chintz, 39c Yard. Southern Furniture Ex. 1110 Florida (179 50 SOFA BED suites. Brand new. lightly damaged.
$89 cash. Cheaper sofa bed suites. $54. D. J.
Wren. 119 N. Oregon Cotton Mattresses, full or twin used $4.95 Innerspring Mattress. 3-3 only $4.95 Metal Beds $3.95 SOUTHERN FURNITURE EX. 1110 Florida 9-PC dining- rm.
suite used, heavy, massive, for large room only, $149.50 SOUTHERN FURNITURE 1110 Florida VENETIAN BLINDS! Actually being sold at the wholesale price! Not the usual cheap sale blinds, but High Quality regular $6.95 Globe all-metal Venetian blinds, in all widths from 24" to Only $3.25 each. Cash and carry. No sale to dealers. PEOPLE'S JTJRNITURE CO. 5111 Florida Ave.
6 PC. maple dinette suite, practically new. Come after 4 P. 1206Vb 17th Ave B-4-U BUY, INVESTIGATE, PRICES ARE LOWER HERE: 3-pc. L.R.
suite, needs covering, $9.95: beds with springs Sc (9.95; dressers, en. oi ors. ai Q5: Q-nr. walnut DR. suite, like new (125; apt.
size elec. stove, (39.95; apt. elec. all porcelain (89.50: tu rnllawav bed. X14.95: baby bed.
(14.95: 3-pc. wicker porch set. (9.95: 3- hr nil stove. (9 95. 1001 other items SWAP SHOP.
AVE PEARL'S PRICES are right Chifferobe eedar-lined. 39.50: 3-DC Bedroom Suite walnut. (59.50: ft-dc. wal. Dinette.
$29.50: Kitchen Cabinet, single maple Bed. $12.50. PEARL FURNITURE CO 1303-7 Franklin Ph. M-2443 $395 DINING ROOM SUITES, brand new, slightly damaged. (197 cash.
Di nettes $39.50. breakfast sets $29.50. D. J. WREN.
119 No. Oregon CLOSING OUT Servel kerosene refrig erator. $50, good shape; Keg. siuu wood and coal range. $50, like new.
HICKEY 312 HARRISON ST. YOU CAN have 'em. we don't want "em. Honduras mahogany Credenza but ft Roe SI 19 Now (74 95. SOUTHERN FURNITURE 1110 Florida SAVE $60 Reg.
$199.95 EASY "SPIN-DRIER" washer, used carefully for 8 months. Just like new. Only $15 cash, bal. small monthly payment TAMPA APPLIANCE CO. "The Westinghouse Dealer." 400 Jackson across City Hall.
2 PC. Sofa bed. chrome dinette. occ. chair, cheap.
809 $95: 5-pc Baker, nr Nebraska. Unfinished bookcases, close out. $5.95 Southern Furniture Ex. 1110 Florida 3-RM. NEW HOME OUTFIT Complete, $289 E-Z Terms INCLUDES 10 PC.
DINNER WARE SET. Open Eves. By Appointment Free Delivery HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE CO. 1506 Grand Central Ph. H-1689 BEAUTIFUL new mahogany 9-niece dining room set.
Also living room suite and other items. 114 So. Albany. H-27181. NEW Roll-away bed frames, $11.95.
4-ft. Roll-away with innersp matt, used, $24.95. SOUTHERN FURNITURE 1110 Florida WE OFFER TO THE PUBLIC (no dealers): Rocking chairs. 95c: beds, comp. with springs 5 pc.
BR. suite with new Innerspring mat. kit. 9 pc. wal.
DR. suite. Rollaway bed Sc mat. oak chairs, lamps, 95c up; coffee table, $2 29; card tables, 95c: nite table 95c: baby beds, maple, $14.95: 1948 model 8' Frieidalre. like new, $149.50: Magic Chef gas stove.
$49.50: 9x12 rugs, $4.95. Lots more. SWAP SHOP. 2004 GR. CENTRAL.
OPEN EVES. Sc SUN. DOUBLE door oak wardrobe, $15: 3 bed, coil springs Sz mattress. 604 Cleveland 1 4 FT. ELEC.
REFRIG. Bryant instant ras hot water heater. Sewing machines. 607 S. Boulevard MODERN green sofa matched chair.
Light wood trim. 916 25th City. WANT ADS PHONE M-7777 CI-5) FURNITURE WANTED NEED Bedroom furniture high cash. 33-8632. badly; nay DON'T SACRIFICE your used furniture We pay highest prices.
USED FURNITURE bought and sold. Seminole Variety Store, 4709 33-9723. HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for used fura Pearl 1305 Franklin, M-2443 HIGHEST CASH PRICES this week for good bedroom suites. Fox Furniture Co. Phone M-52983.
OPEN EVENINGS (i-Sa) REFRIGERATORS REPAIR electric refrigerators Bought old. Ph. 33-9742 or 33-372S. $79 and and you no $39 $15 S. 1949 Mercury Convertible 1949 Ford custom 8 clb.
cpe. 1949 Chevrolet Fleetline 1946 Cadillac Sedanette 1947 Chevrolet Convertible 1948 Plymouth Convertible 1948 Olds "98" Convertible 1946 Dodge Custom Tudor 1941 Chevrolet Club Coupe 1938 Ford Tudor BUD SHERK 1401 Florida Ave. PHONE M-1472 OPEN EVENINGS Ply. S. D.
4-dr. enod $1295 Ford clb. extra 1195 pacxara extra clean ibna DeSoto very nice 1495 HOMER F. HERNDON 3908 Florida Ave. Ph.
M-1734 1941 6 PONTIAC, 4-dr. Streamliner, with good tires, radio, seat covers. Very good cond. $795. 2313 9th Ave.
SPECIAL This Week Only 1941 PONTIAC custom sedan, radio, tu-tone paint, mech. perfect. $695 1940 BUICK Special 4-Door Sedan 50,000 mi. left In this car 495 1940 HUDSON, looks A runs good 295 1940 DODGE 4-dr. sedan, 1946 motor, 20.000 miles 595 FLORIDA TRADING POST FRANKLIN AND JACKSON ST.
BARGAIN A DAY WITH SMITTY GAYE LIKE new '49 Hudson Commodore 4-dr. black sedan. Airman transferred over-seas. 15 off. Ph.
H-8811, Ext. 467. $65 DOWN 1937 PONTIAC COACH with fine appearance and runs like a top. 1936 CHEVROLET 3- PASS. CPE.
Large rear deck space for hauling. BOYLE MOTOR CO. LINCOLN-MERCURY 1415 Florida Ave. GOOD TRANSPORTATION '38 Plymouth new '37 Dodge sedan, clean '37 Pontiac convt. cpe.
'37 Pontiac club coupe tires $345 295 195 245 37 Nash coupe 165 '37 Ford coupe, new motor 145 '34 Chevrolet sedan 135 '36 Intl. pickup, pert 225 '29 Model A. coupe 100 WALDEN'S USED CARS 4016 Florida Ave. PRICED TO SELL '49 Mercury conv. '48 Stude.
Land Cruiser 1895 '48 Ford 4-dr 1295 '48 Olds '68' 4-dr 1495 '47 Studebaker club cpe. 1395 '41 Ford club coupe 695 42 Buick sedanette 69o 47 Ply. conv. club coupe 1395 DRYDEN MOTORS 1716 Fla. Ave.
Ph. M-1757 OPEN EVENINGS "TIL 9 P. M. FOR SALE 1948 Fords, Chevrolets. De- sotos, formerly You-Drlve-Its.
substan tial discounts, low mileage. Priced from 1000 to $1400. See at Red Too U-Drive-It Service. 109 E. Cass, corner Highland Guaranteed.
37 PONTIAC (6) 2-door; clean, good ond S225. Phone M-36774. WE PAY more for your old car. Shell Filling Station, cor. of Fla.
and Emma. Phone 31-6013. '49 CHEVROLET i-TON PHONE 33-5683 PICKUP '39 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR RADIO Call After 5 P. M. 2922 12th St.
1939 OLDS 4-door sedan; radio, heater, new tires, good paint, good condition, $525 cash. Phone 33-9541. 1408 FLORIDA AVE. 1948 Chevrolet Aero sedan $1695 941 Ply. 4-nas.
cpe 595 941 vmouth 2-dr 745 1941 Chrysler sedan 595 1940 Pontlae coach 595 ij 1 fiy. bus. cpe a Liberal Trades Best or Terms BEN PARRISH 1408 Florida Ave, Phone M-7462 LOCKE MOTOR CO. LARGEST DEALER ON FLORIDA'S WEST COAST Requests You to CHECK P's and Q's Pr.ices and Quality Before Buying Any.Car Visit One of Our 4 BIG LOCATIONS 1310 Florida Ave. 1620 Grand Central 1208 Florida Ave.
1118 Florida Ave. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Up to 24 Months to Pay LOCKE MOTOR CO Fair Friendly Dependable THE BEST: 49 Ford Tudor Ovedrive $1495 '49 Chevrolet Conv. loaded 1995 '48 Stude Commr. Regal Clb. Cpe.
1995 48 Ford Super 4-dr. Extras 1395 47 Chev. Fleetline Sedan 1445 '46 Buick Super Sedan 1495 '41 Cadillac 62 Clb. Cpe 1095 MAN MOKE TRADE AND TERMS HARGROVE USED CARS "FAMOUS FOR BARGAINS" 1002 Grand Central Phone H-3562 Another Crosley Special Station Wagon A very clean 1948 Crosley. new 1949 cast iron engine, new seat covers, good rubber, excellent paint job.
Good clean transportation $695. Economy Motors, Inc. "Your Crosley Dealer" 101 N. Tampa, Cor. Whiting Ph.
M-3492 '49 Mercury fully eopt. $1995 47 Mercury R. St H. 1295 '46 Buick convertible, enpt. 14 '46 Chevy Aero sedan, ex.
nice 1295 '46 Dodge radio and 1275 "40 Plymouth radio 495 J. E. MIMS, 1323 Fla. M-7458 OHMER and Clary cash registers. Clary adding machine.
More to choose from More for your money. CALL M-1295. TOD'S CASH REGISTER MART, 1407 Frkl '41 '40 '41 '41 at or ii- n-1 1 rr 0t iaMai. i mmm.