008 008 008 008 008 08 ol J. THE PITTSBURG PRESS THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 13, 1913 LEADERS MAKE SMALL GAINS AIRBRAKE ADVANCES ON EXTRA DIVIDEND NEWS Stock Is Lively and Several Changes Occur -Pittsburg Coal Continues Weak West Penn Power and Caney River Climb--Sharp Break in La Belle Iron Thursday, March lacally centered around two stocks, Pittsburg Coal and Westinghouse Airbrake, and bidding was spirited for both issues. Airbrake was up 3 points because of a declaration late yesterday of a 5 per cent stock dividend, while Pittsburg Coal preferred made further recessions what now seemg regarded as an unon favorable report of earnings for 1912. Airbrake made a 2-point jump in the getaway, took on another point, pieldone-nalt and then regained it. The ed Westinghouse security out only other early in the day was Electric common, and burg it Coal was the off large In yesterday loss the of case 5 made Son points Pittsin closing hour broktoday, it.
opened off 1 the ers stock rose to 84 bearish as point at new point for 83. Later the and loss of 13 points from then fell to a the year, and a the year's is out conNow that the bad news cerning LaBelle Iron 5 and it is' known that the merger discard, once the 8 stock was traded projected is gone into the small lot at 45, a recession in today the last sale a in a of points from Heat was active at night ago. Light higher prices: the opening of at slightly being an overnight at gain and Pure Oil sales was driven back started unchanged in numerous Traction and Water Power West Penn a gain of the WaS up at Caney River size was made in dropped 3 same Gas. Silver Peak previous sale. Pittsburg Mining cents from its active at 93.
Brewing 6s were as corrected by at 2 Frick p. building. Darr Moore, Bid. Ask. Pittsburg Bank Stocks- 118 Farmers Deposit Trust Co.
Stocks- 150 Real Estate Trust 30 Merchants Allegheny Bank StocksSavings 250 Dollar Savings Fund Insurance Stocks- 75 German 100 105 National-Ben Franklin 60 Insurance Western City Railway Stocks-Citizens 25 Pleasant Valley 854 West Penn Traction West Penn Power Oil Co. Stocks- 15 Pure Oil Ohio Fuel Natural Gas Stocks- Oklahoma Natural Oklahoma. 61 Osage 32 Caney River 525 Mfrs. Light Ohio Fuel Electric Stocks- Electric Miscellaneous G. StooksAm.
W. Wks. Columbia G. E. Consolidated Ice 48 do pref Crucible Steel do pref Ref.
pref. 101 Walker 45 La Belie Iron Marsden Co. National Fireproofing 26 do. pfd, Brewing 10 11 Pittsburg 36 37 pref Coal 19 Pittsburg 84 do pref Switch Signal Co. 129 Union Airbrake 10 Westinghouse American Sewer Independent Brewing 30 do pref Mining Stocks- San Toy Mining BONDS.
City Traction 5g Railway BondsCitizens Birmingham 5s. 102 Pgh. C. 1st 5g. McK.
End Traction 59 West Brewing Co. 93 Miscellaneous BondsPittsburg deb. Pittsburg Coal 1st 83 85 Independent Brewing 10:00 m. M. to 10:80 20 shares 30 shares shares 25 snares 14 shares shares 10 shares 10 shares 10 shares 25 shares 20 shares 4.000 Pbg.
10:30 50 shares 50 shares 73 shares 250 shares 100 shares 70 shares 50 shares shares 10 shares 10 shares 10 shares 10 shares 35 shares West. Airbrake West. Airbrake West. Airbrake West. Airbrake West.
Airbrake Caney River Caney River West. Airbrake West Penn Mfrs. Mfrs. Light Brewing p. m.
to 11:00 g. Pure Oil Pure Oil Mfrs. Light Pure Oil Pbg. Coal Mfrs. Light Mfrs.
Light West Penn Mfrs. Light Electric Electric West. Airbrake Mfrs. Light 11:00 a. m.
to 12:00 m. West. Airbrake Pbg. Coal Citizens Traction West. Airbrake Brewing Pure Oil West.
Airbrake Pog. Coal La Belle Pure Oil Pbg. Coal Pure Oil Pure Oil Pure Oil Caney River Caney River Pure Oil Pure Oil Pbg. Silver 12 to 1 10 shares 10 shares 85 shares 23 shares 1,000 Pbg. 50 15 shares 50 shares 10 shares 100 shares 100 shares 100 shares 100 shares 100 shares 25 shares 25 shares 100 shares 50 shares 100 shares 50 shares Pure Oil 50 shares Pure Oil 1516 100 shares Pure Oil 20 shares Caney River 200 shares Pure Oil 20 shares Pbg.
Plate Glass. 102 25 shares Ohio Fuel TRADERS' GOSSIP. Prices on the Berlin bourse advanced on a statement from the German government that there was no basis for recent war stories. New York banks lost $2,636.000 yesterday to the sub-treasury. making a total loss of $5,490,000 since Friday.
Frank M. Bunch. former president of the Chicago board of trade, has been expelled trades" that body. The charge of taking of customers by a cer. tain house and giving customers the beneft of them was sustained, the directors said.
In its weekly review, The Price Current SAVS: "Winter wheat suffers its worst damage in the late winter or early spring through alternate freezing and thawing. The cold weather of the fore part of last week came to uncovered flelds east of the Mississippi, and the growing weather will develop the damage, if any. In the main, prospects are for small The far western section remains comparatively dry." net earnings of the Products Co. for 1912 were American $3,500, an increase of $125,950. Three Northside banks soon will under way building operations.
"Dollar Savings Fund and Trust taking bids for a $70,000 struc- men of America, and Keystone circle No. 14. Knights of Mystic Chain, are respectfully invited to attend. SCHOOLEY--Anna Maude Elizabeth, only daughter of Roy D. and Flora Hein Schooley, Wests 2 years and seven months, at Penn hospital, Wednesday morning at 12:30 o'clock.
Funeral on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hein, 4740 Maripoe Pittsburg. Interment private. LES SMITH o'clock On noon, Tuesday, Mary, wife March of 11, James 1913, at J.
Smith, in her 55th year. Funeral from family residence, 6708 Rowan on Saturday, March 15, at 8:30 a. Requiem mass at Corpus Christi's church, Lincoln at 9 o'clock. Members of Branch No. 857, L.
C. B. and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. SIMPSON- -Entered Into rest on Wednesday, March 12, 1913, at 7 p. John son of Mr.
and Mrs. D. E. Simpson, in his 19th year. Funeral services at his late residence, 54147 Broad Eastend, on Friday, March 14, at 2 p.
m. SHARPE- On Tuesday, March 11, at 2:30 p. at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. George Shornhorst, 620 Orchard Bellevue, Rev. Robert John Sharpe, in bis 80th year.
Funeral services on Thursday evening, March 13, at 8 p.m. Friends of the family are respectfully linvited to attend. Interment Friday at 2 p. at Round Hill cemetery, Elizabeth township, Pa. and McKeesport (Pa.) papers please STARZYNSKI- Wednesday, March 12, 1913.
at. 4:30 Victoria wife of Dr. Thad A. Starzynski, at the family residence, 6346 Burchfleld Pittsburg. Pa.
Notice of funeral later. TAYLOR- Mary Jane, beloved wife of Joseph Taylor (nee Baines) at the residence of her son, John W. Baines, 1316 Franklin st. Interment Friday at 2 p. m.
Friends of the" family are respectfully invited to attend. THOMPSON-On Wednesday, March 12, 1913, at 11:30 p. John Hance Thompson, husband of Amelia Powers Thompson, in his 59th year, at his home, Allegheny Cheswick, member of Pollock No. 502, F. and A.
M. Notice of funeral later. (Cleveland and Scio (O.) papers please copy.) -On Tuesday, March 11, 1913, at 3:50 p. W. Wellman, in his 78ta year.
Funeral services at the of his son, Frank A. Wellman, residence. son Northside, on Thursday evening, March 13, at 8 o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully invited attend. Interment at Marienville, Pa', (Pa.) papers please WILL Phillip Tuesday, Will, March 11, 1913, at 9:80 p.
husband of Margaret E. Will (nee Reber) aged 66 years 6. months and 11 days. Funeral from his late residence. 806 East Northside.
on Friday afternoon, March 14, at 2 o'clock. Services at St. Paul's (Weitershausen) church, corner East and First at 2:30 p. m. Friends of the family and members Koerner Singing society are respectfully invited to attend.
WOODS--On Wednesday, March 12, 1913, at 6 p. William L. Woods. Services at' his late residence. 1012 Euclid Eastend, Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.
Interment private. Please omit flowers. Notice to Mystic Chain. Members of Keystone Castle No. 14, and other castles, are requested to attend the funeral services in memory of the late S.
K. Alphonse Rieke. Meet Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, at Liberty and Millvale aves. Funeral Friday at his late residence, 4919 Yew p. to which all a are invited.
Interment in Allegheny cemetery. Clean your Easter hats, furs, feathers. clothing, with ZILENE. dry cleaning powder. Guaranteed.
All druggists. 6 THE LOW PRICE at which we sell Fine Monuments and headstones allows people of moderate means to erect handsomo stone to honor the memory of departed loved ones. Our work is done by the latest labor saving machinery, and this, although we use only the finest granite, enables us to sell at a very price. We sell direct to individuals, delivering complete to cemeteries in ADY part of the country. Handsome booklet of designs free 11 you mention DUNNING Marble Granite Company Pittsburg, Pa.
THE PITTSBURG PRESS The People Paper. UNION COUNCIL 67 TRADE Publishes more Classified Advertising and brings greater results than any other newspaper in Western Pennsylvania. Classifled Ads one cent a word each insertion. When paid for in advance, seven insertions for price of six. Ten cents per line when matter is charged.
No advertisem*nts taken for less than 10 cents. If box number la desired count five words additional. If replles to advertisem*nt have to be mailed, send 100 for postage. Advertisem*nts marked "Till Forbid' are accepted with the understanding that they will be published until a written notice to stop them is received. No phone order to cancel an ad will be accepted.
MAIN OFFICES: At 254 Fifth Pittsburs, Pa. PHONES: Bell 2900 Grant. P. A. 1875 Main.
BRANCH OFFICES: Eastend-111 Sheridan Ave. Northside-220 Federal St. Southside-1920 Carson St. Wilkinsburg-824 Wood St. Oakland- 3702 Forbes Western Representative, John Glass.
Peoples Gas Chicago, Eastern Representative, L. A. Klein, Metropolitan Tower, New York. Special Representative, Chas. K.
Abbot, Bartlett Atlantic Oity, N. Clearing House Figures. March 13-Transactions passing through the Pittsburg Clearing House made the following comparisons: Exchanges Balances Today $9,373,373 19 773.729 08 Last week 8.901,281 24 1,009,490 00 Last year 7,231,916 26 1,280,297 49 and In Interest baying Bonds, the most Safety of are essential We alwaya cam supply through ur Bond Department securities of this character. DONNER, CHILDS WOODS Union Bank Building An Investment Test HE ideal investment provides a a security fair definite for income, the interest is principal, rate, yields offers acceptable as collateral, is free from tax, requires little care, matures after a satisfactory lapse of time, is in convenient units and has a good chance of enhancement. Our Bond Department offers you investments which the most careful investigations have shown to be ideal in every particular.
THE UNION TRUST COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH 337 Fourth Avenue Capital and Surplus Thirty One Million Dollars Fidelity Title and Trust Company 341-343 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. BANKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, TRUST DEPARTMENT, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES. PLACE your valuables in the second largest Harveyized Steel Vault in the World -know positively that they are safe. The central location of this bank enables you to get to and from your safe deposit box in the 80 88 least time. I Safe Deposit Boxes $5 a Year and Upward.
ON 08 68 3 10 4 THE 88 AR UNION NATIONAL BANK of Pittsburgh Fourth Ave. and Wood St. Capital, $600,000 Surplus, $5,000,000 WORK GET SOME PROFIT out your work. Set aside a FIXED AMOUNT every FOR pay day. Put it in a Savings account.
That is the way get ahead. A YOUR We a account accept is Savings welcome. Deposits of One Dollar or more. PURPOSE PITTSBURG TRUST CO. 323 FOURTH AVENUE.
WANTED. MALE HELP MEN- young, aged 21 to 40, from farm preferred, for warehouse and platform trucking for railroad. company, $60 to $80; if idled can advance to checkers. shippers, qual- firemen Call and brakemen; immediate or write D. Cotter, Employment Exemployment.
pert, Star, Speer Bldg, 120 Sixth st. 318wp COMPETENT and experienced steam engineer for 1,000 H. P. have good recomWrite mendations; 107. good Press wages, office.
steady employment. 312r FOREMAN Inside man. ornamental iron works: stair work, fireproof porches; practical man: Pittsburg shop. Write 181, Press office. 312b WANTED BOYS FOR TAPPING NUTS; National work at $1.50 to $2.50 day.
Apply Bolt Nut 62d st. and A. V. R. R.
311b WANTED--A coatmaker, pays $7.00 to $8.00 each: pantsmaker, pays $2.00 to $2.25 each; bushelman, $16.00 to $20.00 week. Inquire Geo. Manojlovic, Ambridge, Pa. 311wr WANTED Good molders for strike work: good to wages leave and steady work: day and piece work; city, Write 178, Press office. 312we mill, MACHINIST Turret wanted--Lathe planer, boring lathe and gas engine bullders, No Fees charged.
Apply to room 18, Labor temple, city. W. H. Shaw. 312WT YOUNG MEN wanted as railway mail clerks, many parcels post vacancies: $75 month: steady work.
J. L. K. Write 12. Press office.
215 wmo BRICKLAYERS WANTED-Ten good men, once, at Penna. Fireprocfing St. Marys, S. long K. job and union work; come in person.
Smith, contractor. 311wn FIRST class furniture finisher. Steady posttion. Must be steady and reliable. No other need apply.
Reference required. The Household, 8 Penn ave. 3126 WANTED -Sign painter for commercial work. Steady work for fret class man. John P.
Shupert, 208 Smithfield Pittsburg, Pa. 37b YOUNG MAN wanted- To distribute samples and collect. About $18.00 weekly and expenses. John A. Reid, 4931 Walton Philadelphia.
39wb WHITE and colored married coal miners for West Virginia; free fare and free moving; ship every day this week; steady work. Keystone Bureau. 1124 Penn ave. 39wa TEN neatly dressed young men to travel also work locally. Transportation paid.
Big offers being made. 411 Cameraphone 347 Fifth ave. Mr. Day, 310wn WANTED-Single colored man to act as waiter and houseman: must be well dressed and neat. Apply 531 Neville Immediately.
312xe EXPERIENCED SALESMAN for lubricating oils and black paints, straight salary to competent party. Write 131, Press office. 311wr MAN as companion for an old gentleman: state age, nationality. married or single, experience and salary wanted. Address P.
O. Box, 317 North Side, Pittsburg. S11wb Draughtsmen, architectural, structural, mechanical. Piel Employment Experts, 421 Wood st. 318wp TWO chambermaids, club and institution, waitresses, restaurant, dining room girls, cook.
100 housemaids. Eureka 710 Penn Wilkinsburg. 313xp COLORED CHEF. experienced, $20 week, Come quick. Imperial Agency, 1310 Wylie, 3137p 10 TRUCKERS and freight handlers; $2.50 to $3.50 day.
steady work. Commercial, 504 Diamond st. 313wp CARPENTERS, in and out of city. also helpers, 504 highest Diamond wages st. paid.
Commercial 313wp TWO saloon porters: 2 lunchcounter men. Commercial 504 -Diamond st. 318 25 WHITE and colored men for several factory jobs; $15 week up. Commercial. 504 Diamond st.
313wp DRIVER, doctor, city, white, $20 board and room. HUGHES' BUREAU, 406 Smithfield. 313wp HOTEL houseman. porters, waiters. chefs.
farmhands, Meehan's. 608 Grant 313wp A FIRST CLASS PHOTOGRAPHER to take charge of studio; good poaltion. P. Box, 221, Irwin, Pa. 318wr BOY wanted to run errands and deliver orders.
Pittsburz Hat Frame 618 Penn ave. 313wp WANTED-A boy to learn the plumbing trade. G. Underwood, 800 Homewood E. E.
313r WANTED quiet, white or colored boy for operating room orderly. Apply Eye and Ear Hospital, 1045 Fifth ave. 813p JANITOR. institution, highest wages, also apartment building. Eureka 710 Penn Wilkinsburg.
WANTED. MALE HELP. STOCK BOYS WANTED Between the ages of 16 and 18 years. Apply at the Superintendent's office, West Mezzanine. JOSEPH HORNE CO.
3136 We Need at Once 50 Freight handlers, R. $75 per month. 18 Machinists. $3 to $6 a day. city.
19 Boilermakers, $3.50 to 84.50 a day. 12 Blacksmiths and helpers, good pay. 35 for glass factory, out of town. 25 Men for outside factory work. 15 Men for brick yard, $2 a day and more.
10 Single men for farmwork, 830 a 3 Dishwashers for restaurant, (boys). 5 Lunch countermen, porters, INTERNATIONAL 419 Pourth ave. 318wp COOK, second, for hotel, $65 month; lunch counter man, $12 week; bar porter, $10 week board. MAN-Factory work. $2.00 day.
automobile repairman, 30c hour: two men for green house, houseman, hotel; cellar man, hotel; cashier for hotel; colored second cook, 580 month. PEOPLES' EMPLOYMENT, 116 Ninth st. 313wp WORKINGMEN to secure us orders among fellow employes. We sell a 15-jeweled Eigin watch in a 20-year guaranteed gold filled case for $12.50. Pay $1 down and wear the watch while paying balance.
We trust anyone honest enough to work. Call for particulars, Wilkins, third floor, Pittsburg Life Liberty ave. at Market st. 10218 WANTED Young man as helper in busheling department; Italian preferred. Will Price, 209-211 Sixth st.
312e SALESMAN--Experienced with mens' in good New York cap line. strictly commission: advanced weekly on accepted business; good list of accounts to right man, who must be in position to finance himself for first four weeks; line ready Martin Jacobson, Fulton Bldg. Pittsburg. Pa. now.
313wp CAR REPAIRERS, machinists, bollermakers, molders, cabinetmakers, chippers, carpenters, porter, orderly, farm, garden, dairy. mill hands, laborers, $1.75 to $2.00 day, fare paid: boarding boss with 10 laborers, $2.00 day, free rent. Keystone Bureau, 1124 Penn ave. 39wb Automobile Help, in great demand: big ment: practical salaries; pleasant employexperience gained in four weeks: full. course $25 to $35: position guaranteed.
PITTSBURG SCHOOL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING, 237-241 Collins East End. 38wbz SALESMAN Wanted Competent party with thorough knowledge of contractor's equipment; preference to applicants who have worked with contractors' supply company: good salary and commission. Write 123. Press office. 313wife SINGLE MAN of good habits; must thoroughly understand gardening, fruit trees, and small fruits, and have some knowledge of flowers and shrubbery: employment throughout the year.
Address P. O. Box 293, Pittsburg. Pa. 313wn STATIONARY steam and electric: good opportunity.
others. near, city: $25 a week to start. Many advance fees). Call or write. The BUSINESS Original SERVICE 801-2 Park and Only National Agency.
313wp WANTED--An experienced busheler and presser can get into a profitable business for himself without any capital: established business; want partner: must be good at altering coats. Call or address 719 Braddock Braddock. Pa. P. A.
phone 781. 313r WANTED- Apply Riter-Conley Mig. Leetsdale, Pa. 311r DAY JANITOR wanted for department store. Lorch's, Seventeenth and Carson sts.
313wp plant. Engineer, handy city, $25 week, Manuf. Engineer, gas, large local foundry, no license. Electrician, coal $100 monthly. Piel Employment Experts, 421 Wood st.
313wp MEN-Active, young, aged 21 to 40. from farm preferred, for warehouse and platform trucking for railroad company. $60 to $80; if qualified can advance to checkers, shippers, firemen and brakemen; immediate employment. Call or. write D.
J. Cotter. Employment Expert, Star. Speer Bldg, 120 Sixth st. 318wp MAN and wife for private place and farm; chef: lunchcounter butler: houseman: waiter: porter: man: men to fire boilers: glass packers: watchman: barber: boy for bowling alley: farm and dairyhands: laborers.
Walkers Agency, 612 Smithfeld st. 313wp Office large Manuf. N. S. STOREKEEPERS, young men, good opportunity.
General office clerk. Manuf. Co. Piel Employment Experts, 421 Wood st. 313wp WANTED-Horsesho*r to work on fire and floor; must be steady and sober and good mechanic; no booze fighters or hot air artists need apply.
Write 121, Press office. 313we FURNITURE FINISHER, first-class mechanic; good rubber; do not apply unless thoroughly competent. Guarantee Upholstering 1522 Beaver North Side. 89xb WANTED- first class linotype operator and machinist, to take charge of two machines and operate one: good wages; permanent position. Latrobe Ptg Pub.
Latrobe, Pa. 310b Six experienced canvassers for special outside work for city and out of town: must not be afraid of work: to euch we will give steady employment. D. C. Cook 6090 Jenkins Arcade Bldg.
311wb A LAYER out wanted, one who can layout his own work and who has had experience in sixteenth to quarter inch plate. Posttion 30 miles from Pittsburg. Must work in shop, 408 Wabash bldg. 39Thjfhjm WANTED--Several young men a8 attendants 12 wards of a hospital. For particulars apply to office of the Superintendent, Dixmont hospital, Dixmont, Pa.
381fhin WANTED-Salesman: one with furniture experience, to sell a line of tables and dining room furniture in Philadelphia, Virginia and West Virginia, on commission basis. Kindly address Saginaw Table Cabinet Saginaw. W. 8.. Mich.
312r RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED -For ed. PARCEL POST: 90 month: thousands needPittsburg examinations May 8rd. Sample questions and coaching sent free. Frankiin Institute, Dept. 380-B.
Rochester, N. Y. 212wmo WANTED-Janitor; a young man for janitor, one who has had experience in cleaning stores and furniture preferred; a permanent job for man who can give satisfaction. Baker Office Furniture 804-302 Wood st. 312we YOUNG MAN to pack cases and make himself useful around factory: must have had some experience at packing and be able to give reference to former employer.
Penn Paper Box Third ave. and Ross st. 813wp 25 FARM dairy hands, $30 month, chauffeur, $50: warehouseman, $75: butchers. $16; handyman, $2.50 day; coal miners, new mine, 8 ft. coal, pay scale wages.
Penn 628 Penn ave. 318wp WANTED--An experienced counterman. Pittsburg Dairy Lunch, 826 Liberty ave. 313wp WANTED-An experienced boy or girl to tend to soda water fountain. 1852 Forbes st.
311r YOUNG MAN- be good penman: manent position: state salary expected. 142, Press office. 311r WANTED -First class steel mouiders: men used to small jobbing work. Write 122 Press office. 38a WANTED Experienced band resaR Aler.
Aponce, Anchor Box Lumber Co. Millvale, Pa. 311b EXPERIENCED man presser. Apply at once, Morgan Dye Works, Meade Bellevue, Pa. 311r BLACKSMITH HELPER- One who can drive shoes and repair wagons.
Lowell and Suburn st. 312xe WANTED-First-class pattern makers. Epping Carpenter Forty and Alleg. Valley R. R.
313e WANTED--Clothing and furnishing salesman for out of town. Write 143. Press office. 318wn BOY for cigar stand; good references: smell bond required. Russell 204 Seventh st.
3180 WANTED- -Young man to learn the painting trade; one having some experience preferred. 166 Davis Bellevue. 318we HEBREW YOUNG MAN Experienced in gents' furnishings or shoe store; Polish speaking. 1435 Penn ave. 313we WANTED -Bright boy to run errands: good wages, steady work.
206 Monongahela Bank Bldg. 318e YOUNG restaurant German cook. first-class only tor office. at once. Write 7 172, Press 313w FOUR neatly dressed young men to locally and travel.
Room 804, Schmidt bids. work WANTED. MALE HELP. Death Notices BENTEL -On Wednesday, March 12, 1913, at 6 a. at the family residence, 22 Venture Northside, Estella E.
Bentel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bentel, in her 30th year. Funeral services at her parents' residence on Friday, March 14, at 2:30 p. m.
Friends of the family and members of Crescent Temple No. 94, Order of United Americans, are respectfully invited to attend. BUGHMAN-On Thursday, March 13, 1913, at 2:15 a. at his residence, 657 Morewood Henry C. Bughman.
Funeral services at the Shadyside Presbyterian church. Amberson on Satment urday jafternoon at 2:30 o'clock. InterBRADY, 9:30 On a. Thursday, Mary March Catherine 13, Brady, daughter of the late N. H.
B. A. Brady, at the family residence, 4947 Second Hazelwood. Notice of funeral later. DUSENBERRY-Suddenly, on Wednes-1913, day, March 12, 1913, at 1:30 p.
Samuel Edwin Dusenberry. Funeral services at his late residence, 5706 Darlington rd. Time announced later. DAUBE--On Wednesday, March 12, 1913, at a. Lawrence Ferdinand Daube, beloved son of Mary Elizabeth Daube (nee Oppferman) and the late John H.
Daube, in his 22d year. Funeral from his mother's residence, Railroad Castle Shannon, on Saturday morning, March 15, at 9:30 o'clock. High mass at St. Anne's church at 10 a. m.
Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. EATHORNE-On Wednesday, March 12, 1913, at 9:40 William Eathorne, in his 72nd year. Funeral 'services on Friday, March 14, 1913, at 2 p. from his late residence, 203 Railroad Carnegie, Pa, Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. Interment private at Chartiers cemetery.
FENNERTY--On Wednesday. March 12, 1913, at 7 p. Margaret Fennerty, mother of Mrs. McGladigan. Funeral from the residence of her daughter, Mrs.
McGladigan, 4928 Hatfield on Friday, March 14, at 8:30 a. m. Requiem mass at St. Mary's Roman Catholic church, Forty-sixth at 9 o'clock. GARDNER-On Wednesday, March 12, at 9:45 p.
Martha Lawton, wife of Marshal C. Gardner. Services at residence. 2555 Center on Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Interment private.
M'CRACKEN-On Wednesday, March 12, 1913, at 9:25 p. William M'Cracken, Sr. Services at his residence, 248 Fortyfifth st. Funeral on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Interment Saturday morning.
GOULD--At Wilkinsburg. on Wednesday, March 12, 1913, at 8:45 a. Tho nas Edwin Gould, aged 19 years. Funeral services will be held at the residence of Mrs. Martha D.
Gould, 815 Rebecca Wilkinsburg, on Friday, March 14, at 8 p. m. Interment at Rehoboth cemetery, Bellevernon, on Saturday. HILL--On Wednesday morning, March 12, 1913, at Homeopathic hospital. Miss Zoe Hill, daughter of Mrs.
Sara Hill, of Eighty-four, Washington county. Pa. Funeral from the home of her mother at Eighty-four, on March 14, 1913, at Charleroi and Canonsburg (Pa.) papers please KENNEY-On Wednesday, March 12, 1913, Michael F. Kenney, in his 52nd year. Notice of funeral later.
(W. Va.) papers please KENNEDY-On Wednesday, March 12, 1918. at 3:50 p. James, infant son of John P. and Elizabeth Kennedy (nee Savage), aged 3 years 1 month.
Funeral from the parents' residence. 812 Dawson extension, Northside, on Friday, March 14, at 10 a. m. KIRCHER-On Wednesday, March 12, 1913, at 3:25 a. at her late residence, 2212 Wylie Elizabeth Nagel, widow of Michael A.
Kircher, aged years. Funeral services at the German Evangelical church (Dr. Carl A. Voss), Smithfield st. and Sixth on Friday, March 14, at 2:30 p.
m. Members of Columbia lodge 238, K. and L. of and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. Please omit flowers.
(Pa.) and Norwalk (0.) papers please LANG On Tuesday, March 11, 1913, at 8:15 p. Caroline Cole Lang, widOW of the late J. H. Lang, in her 85th year. Funeral services at her home, corner of Winthrop and Cambridge near High bridge, Northside, Thursday evening, March 13, at 8 o'clock.
Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. Interment private Friday. Omission of flowers requested. Wilkinsburg, on Wednesday, March 12, 1913, at 6:15 a. George Frank Lawyer, in his 62d year, Funeral gervices will be held at his late residence, 1316 Hunter Wilkinsburg, on Friday, March 14, at 2:30 p.
m. Hyrcanus tent No. 90. Knights of Maccabees and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. and Beaver county (Pa.) papers please LEECH-On Tuesday.
March 11, 1913, at 7:50 p. Sarah Leech, wife of the late William H. Leech, in her 71st year. Funeral from the Washington Ave. M.
E. church, on Friday, March 14, at 3 p. m. Castle (Pa.) and Salem and Sandusky (O.) papers please -On Tuesday, March 11, 1913, at 7:15 a. Elizabeth Manning, wife of the late James Manning.
Funeral from the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Streiner, 1321 Seitz formerly Marie on Friday morning, March 14, at 8:30 o'clock. High mass at the Church of the Epiphany at 9 o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. MEESS- Suddenly on Thursday, March 13, 1913, at 7:30 a.
Amalie Meess (nee Boehnig), beloved wife of Julius Meess. Services at her late residence, 1716 Rialto on Friday evening at 8 p. m. Interment private on Saturday, March 15, at 2 p. m.
Please omit flowers. (Washington (Pa.) papers please copy.) McKEEVER-On Wednesday. March 12, 1913, at 2:10 a. Mary Elizabeth, wife of the late Mack McKeever, nee Doran. Funeral from.
his late residence, 221 Steuben on Saturday morning, March 15, at 8:30 a. m. Solemn requiem high mass at St. James' church at 9 o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend.
McGINNIS-Suddenly, at the family residence, 211 Forty-second on Thursday, March 13, 1913, at Emma. Hogan, wife of John McGinnis. Notice of funeral later. M'HUGH-On Wednesday, March 12. 1913, at 2:15 a.
Mary McHugh, widow of James McHugh. Funeral from her late residence, 2415 West Market Northside, on Saturday, March 15, at 8:30 a. m. High mass at St. Andrew's Roman Catholic church.
Beaver at 9 o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend, PLATT-On Thursday, March 13, 1913, at 4:30 a. Joseph Platt, in his 44th beloved husband of Mary Platt year, (nee Ledger). Funeral services will be held at his late residence, 1814 Main Sharpsburg, on Sunday, March 16, at 2 p. m.
Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. POWER-On Tuesday, March 11, 1913. at 10:20 a. at the family nome. 1020 Lawndale Alexander McKee, beloved son of George S.
and Clara Power (nee Moreland), aged 16 years and 9 months. Funeral on Friday, March 14, 1913, at 1 p. m. Services at St. James' Episcopal church, corner of Kelly Friends and Collers at 2 p.
m. of the family are respectfully invited to attenil. RIEKE- On Tuesday, March 11, 1913. at 3:80 p. Alfonse Rieke, beloved husband of Catherine R.
(nee Reiter), in his 43d year. Funeral from his late residence, 4919 Yew on Friday, March 14, at 2 p. m. Friends of the family and members of Liberty Court No, 11468, Modern Wood- WANTED- First class coppersmiths, universal grinders (tool work), tool temperers, assemblers (large work), planer hands, horizontal and vertical boring mill hands and portable milling machine hands. Apply at Employment Department, Westinghouse Electric Mfg.
East Pittsburg, or at our city, office, room 209 Fitzsimmons building, 331 Fourth Pittsburg, Pa. 20Chjr ture to be erected at Federal and Stobo sts. The First National Bank of Allegheny also will build a new home at tion to the Allegheny Trust buildFederal st. and a Park way. The addiing will be erected at once.
The Missouri, Kansas Texas Railway Co. has sold to Speyer Co. 000.000 2-year 5 per cent secured gold notes. The regular dividend of 3 per and an extra dividend of 2 1 per cent will be paid by the Hedley Gold Mining Co. taper quarter the extra dividend was cent.
The governors of the New Stock Exchange granted- the petition of members for a double Easter holiday, and the exchange will be cloged Good Friday and the following Saturday, next week. The National Tube Co, has taken a contract for 190 miles 10-inch and 12-inch line pipe, about 15,000 tons for shipment to the Canadian Northwest. Other large pipe line business is about to be closed. Directors of the Westinghouse Airbrake Co. cut another "melon" yesterday.
In addition to the regular quarterly dividends of 2 per cent and 2 per cent extra, payable in cash, they declared a dividend of 5 per cent. payable in stock. This action was unexpected, but it helps to explain the recent strength of stock around $140 a share (par $50) in the face of a generally declining tendency in the rest of the market It is predicted that a similar extra dividend disbursem*nt is barely possible in Union Switch Signal, another Vestinghouse stock. Owing to business not meeting expectations. a committee of bondholders of the Arkansas Natural Gas asks that the period of redemption bonds be set ahead five years, making the last bonds mature in 1927.
American Sugar is slightly depressed because of the annual report, which shows that gross profits were $7,488,131, a decrease of $6,594,923. The st credit adjustment account increased $1,816,651. The surplus has been reduced to $378.030. THE DAY IN WALL STREET. Irregular markets in London, unsettled monetary conditions and weakness of new specialties because of reports made by officials, made the New York market uncertain, although early furries were followed by periods of calm.
Business reflected a pronounced indisposition to speculate on the long side and there was little demand from commission houses. Beet Sugar was down from yesterday to the lowest in two years, and Pittsburg Coal sold down to 82, against last week. Goodrich Rubber opened off 1 point at a new low, and then a fractional advance. American Sugar Refining regained a portion of the ground lost yesterday. Corn Products preferred was erratic, opening off at and then rallying to 65 on the next transaction.
Steel common fell from 59 to 59 and on the reaction reached 60. Reading was plied well supand moved almost a point both ways, with 155 the middle point. Directors of the Union and Southern Pacifics met today and the stocks held higher, Union at one 1 point to 149. Pennsylvania time advancing was weak early in the day. The daily range of prices on the New York stock exchange, as Donner, reported by Childs Woods, Union Bank members of New York and Pittsburg stock exchanges and Chicago board of trade: (Open.
High. Low Last T. S. do, pref Am. Beet 29 29 Am.
Sug. 112 118 27 113 Am. Locom. Am. Can 32 do, pref.
Amalg. Copper 69 Anac. Copper Am. S. Am.
T. Balti. Ohio 100 Beth. Steel do pref 691 B. Rapid Calif.
Pet. 483 Canadian Pac. 223 223 Chino Cop. Ches. Ohio 72 72 Chi.
Col. F. 33 33 33 Corn Products do pref 65 65 Erie 65 do 2d 27 27 Gen. Electric pref. Gt.
No. 138 138 138 138 Ry. 12616 127 Good. Rubber Co. 1261 127 Inter.
Met. 32 do pref. 58 58 L. V. R.
58. 58 L. R. 154 N. 1333 Mo.
Pacific 133 133 N. Y. Central No. Pacific 106 P. S.
Car 26 26 26 Penn R. R. 118341 26 Pgh. Coal pref 8276 821! 82 Reading 155 Rep. Iron So.
Pacific St. Paul 109 100 108 109 U. S. Steel 60 do prfd. 59 do 2ds.
Union Pacific bonds U. S. Rubber 149 W. El. 60 601 60 Assent.
CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. The opening and 12 o'clock Chicago board of trade. together prices on the previous closing. as furnished with the Brown members of the New by Morris, Pittsburg stock exchanges, and York and board of trade. are as follows: Chicago of the Close Open 12 WheatMay 897 July 891 89 Sept.
885 Corn- May 523 July 533 52 Sept. 535 OatsMay 33 July Sept. 33 33 PorkMay 20.95 21.00 July 20.45 21.80 20.40 Sept. 19.75 LardJuly 10.87 10.72 10.70 May 10.62 10.70 10.67 Sept. 10.62 10.67 Short Ribs10.70 May July 10.82 10.90 10.82 10.67 10.72 Sept.
16.55 NEWS OF THE DIVIDENDS. The American Gas Electrie Co. has declared the regular quarterly dividends of 2 per cent on the preferred stock and per cent on the common stock. The Old Dominion Co. of Maine has declared quarterly atvidend of $1.25 a share.
Usual quarterly dividends of cent per on the preferred and per cent on its common have been declared by the New York State Railways. The Northwestern Yeast Co. of Chicago has declared the regular quarterly dividend of 3 per cent and an extra dividend of 3 per cent. Regular dividends were declared yesterday by these companies: Youngstown Sheet Tube, United Gas Improvement, Western Union Telegraph, United Shoe Machinery, New York Central, Standard Milling. Crown Reserve Mining.
Twin City Rapid Transit, and American Woolen. WANTED. EXPERIENCED SALESMEN FOR BOYS' CLOTHING. Apply to Manager of the Department, Fourth Floor, SOLOMON'S. 3130 WANTED-5 experienced Machine Riveters.
Apply Pressed Steel Car McKees Rocks 318b WANT SALEMEN for suburban lot plans. Only experienced men with unquestioned references need apply. Write 166, Press office. 318n WANTED Bright boy, 16 to 18. to assist in receiving room, Good penmanship is essential.
MEYER JONASSON CO. 313p BOYS wanted as machine runners: good wages; steady work. Fort Pitt Spring Manufacturing McKees Rocks. 313we Errand Boys For North Side Delivery. MEYER JONASSON CO.
MALE HELP PORTER, hotel, $10 week, also houseman, two men cleaning. Eureka 710 Penn Wilkinsburg. 313wp SIGN PAINTER. Alpha Sign 6119 Penn ave. 313xp WANTED--A Japanese man for butler and housework; best of reference required.
Address 101 Press office. 313we COLORED MEN, grasp the opportunity now and learn automobiling; $25 to $55. Imperial Automobile School, 1310 Wylie. 313wp WANTED -Butler and house man, best reference required. Write 7.
102, Press Office. 313w6 WANTED--Two boys not under 14 for bottling department. Apply 60 Water city. 313wp WANTED. 320 300 MEN'S TAILOR Suite 2032 New Exclusive Imported Spring Fabrics I am enthused as a result of my successful efforts in selecting the most satisfactory line ever shown in Pittsburg.
It means the battle to meet the requirements of men who demand perfect clothes is more than half won. Season after season my patrons continue to place their orders with me for Suits and Topcoats. Could it be possible that the designing, Atting and workmanship is far from perfect? We offer, subject to sale, the following bonds of Canadian municipalities: City of Toronto, yielding 434 City of Brantford, City of Victoria, Town of Owen Sound, 46 Full particulars upon request. DARR MOORE Investment Bankers and Brokers FRICK BUILDING. Exchange.
Oil Stacks Buildina N. Y. AND LOCAL STOCKS BONDS W. J. BLACK De.
Members Pittsburg Stock Exchange 1002-8-4 Arrott Bids. Private Wires to All Primarz Markets Natural Bought, Sold Quoted Weekly Market Lattes Gas Stocks Sent on Request Jo. P. Cappean Sons Standard Members Pittsburg Stock 3108 WE require the services of first-class men to solicit collections from professtonal men and high-class retail merchants: this will an attractive propceition for live, prove men, this company enjoys an enviable aggressive reputation and will give an unequaled service to its Write Box 1104. 313n IWO COLORED WAITERS, $25 month, room and board; hotel porter, $25; good extra money: fare paid: laborers, $2 day: boys, factory work.
$0 week; man and wife. $50 an. $60 month; two girls, same family; hotel cook. $10 week; chef, $20 week; chauffeur and wife. Imperial Agency.
1310 Wylie. 313wp MEN--Active, young, aged 21 to 40. from farm preferred, for warehouse and platform trucking for railroad company. $80 to ifled can advance to checkers, shippers, it qualCall or Star, write D. J.
Bldg. Cotter. Employment men and brakemen; immediate employment. Expert, Speer 120 Sixth st. 313wp I HAVE a good opening for a clean cut man.
one who is not afraid of the cars and who will work six hours a day: must be over 25 and willing to travel: good pay and promotion to right parties. See Mr. Miller, Hotel Anderson, Friday from 9 a. m. to 12.
313wp WANTED-Middle aged man to drive 2 light truck: reference required. Inquire G. Ramlack, 217 McKean near Second South Side. 313wp WANTED--Shipper, understands builders' supply business and familiar with streets South Side: state reference. Write 0 190, Press office.
$13p WANTED-A. young man with experience for drapery work room. state age, reference and salary expected. Write 182. Press office.
31891 PAPER HANGER one that can do painting preferred, steady work, all the year round for right man. J. H. Buncke 1610 Lowrie N. Pittsburg.
313Wp WANTED--Good active circular good pay and advancement If zood. Call 703 Penn third floor, 5 p. m. today. 313we WANTED--Young man shipper by wholesale house.
give age, experience and salary wanted. Write P. 165, Press office. 318w SOBER and industrious man who understands stone dressing and has had some expelence with color grinding. P.
H. Nevin Island and Preble ave N. 8. 313p TWO neat hustling city salesmen immediately. those acquainted with auto supply business preferred.
Write 157. Press office. 313wp ROUGH carpenters. $3 day, blacksmith helpers, $3 day; man for doctor, to clean automobile, $30 month. Penn 628 Penn ave.
313W ANTED--Second tenor singer, about 21 years of age, having knowledge of fret tenor, to sing with local quartet. Fred Fanning, Hazelton North Side. 318xp HOUSEMAN-Wanted, colored single houseman: must have experience and best of refer. ence: wages to start $6 a week. Apply 5903 Wellesley E.
E. EXPERIENCED industrial insurance agent to sell sick and accident insurance: salary and commission paid. Call between 9 and 10 306 Curry Bldg. 318mp COOKS--Also second, out of town, porters, buss and elevator boys; also farm, garden, dairy help. Arnold, 709 Penn rear, 318w YOUNG MAN to travel with manager and learn magazine advertising business: new proposition; big profits.
31 Shannon Bidg. WANTED immediately bar mill roughers. experienced in iron and steel: steady work: good wages: no trouble. Write 110, Press office. 8115 ELECTRICAL -Young man, about 17, to learn electric business.
Phone Highland 6114. Pittaburg Electric Mfg. 6114 Station st. 312zr SALESMEN--For exclusive porposition: unlimited field; big Evershine money Shoe to right man; splendid aide line. Polish Dayton, Ohio.
39wfajr WE ARE READY to engage three capable men 8.8 stock a salesman for high sTa la proposition on commission basis. Call 1004 Union Bank building. 811h1fr WANTED-TWO EXPERIENCED PURNITURE VARNISHER8. APPLY MA. Mr.
GILL. AT PICKERING'8, TENTH AND PENN. 313s WANTED--Bright boy, not under 16 years, as messenger: must have frat class reference as to character, etc. Write 141, Press office. 142 143 143 143 32 32 143 93 83 221 521 84 93 143 84 45 154 32 .57 Salesmen, store, also road, also local men.
Call or write. Information free. Plel Employment Experts, 421 Wood st. 318wp BAR PORTERS. waiters.
lunch counterman. $12 week; bus boy, dishwasher, janitor, orderlies. $30 month. Penn 628 Penn are. EXPERIENCED SALESMAN to sell new confection: attractive propceition to right party.
Auto Merchandising Company, 619 Wabash Buldg. 3130 BOY wanted to deliver books in downtown district: salary $3.50. Apply 921 Berger Bldg. 313p WANTED--Errand boy; must know the city thoroughly. Apply I.
8. Harris 618 Liberty ave. 313p WANTED--Three good chasing painters at once. Apply W. J.
Erney. Penn between 6:30 p. m. until 11 p. m.
318p Man take charge co*ke yard, exp. Piel Employment Experte, 421 Wood 313wp SALESMEN -Experienced house to house. erence required. Room 306, 117 W. Ohio North Side.
318xp WANTED -Farmer-five miles from Ligonier: Good home. Write. stating wages expected, 204 E. Press office. 318xp ERRAND BOT for Eastend delivery.
Joyce Catering Penn and Shady aves. 313xp FARM and dairy hand, $25 month, room and board. Schwartz 128 Sandusky st. 3133 The JOB COMPOSITOR-A1, and working foreman. Nevins Hoffman, No.
1 Arrott Power fourth floor, Berker pi. 813p ERRAND BOTS -Wanted Nevins Hoffman, No. 1 Arrott Power fourth floor, Bar818p WANTED--Driver for one horse lumber delitery. C. Wick Son, Bernard near heed of Shannon Incline.
818wp WANTED An with exparienced reference. while lunch connterman. Address 263, lies. Press office, 318xp.