In its recent Annual Review of Audit Quality, FRC reiterated the importance of high-quality audit work in ensuring investors, businesses and the public can trust financial statements, emphasising that audit quality needs continuous refinement and improvement.
In the Review, Sarah Rapson, Executive Director of Supervision at the FRC, commends the largest four of Tier 1 firms for the work they have undertaken over the past years that has resulted in the improvement in their delivery of high-quality audits, but mentions there is a widening gap between the four largest firms (Deloitte, EY, KPMG and PwC) and the other 2 firms in the Tier 1 bracket (BDO and Forvis Mazars).
In this article, we explore how to improve audit quality, based on the findings from the Review.
What is high-quality audit?
The FRC includes the following elements in its definition of a high-quality audit:
- It provides a high level of assurance that the financial statements give a true and fair view;
- It complies with the spirt and the letter of auditing and ethical standards;
- It is driven by a robust risk assessment and informed by a thorough understanding of the entity and its environment;
- It is supported by rigorous due process and evidence and involves the exercise of judgement and professional scepticism;
- It challenges management and obtains sufficient audit evidence for the conclusions reached;
- It reports unambiguously on the auditor’s conclusion on the financial statements.
A word on ISQM
The Review highlights the importance of ISQM (International Standard on Quality Management) 1 as a fundamental change to quality management.
ISQM 1 marked the transition from a reactive to a more proactive stance while highlighting a culture of professional ethics, with all personnel being responsible for audit quality. It came into effect on 15 December 2022 and was updated in March 2023.
Given that this is the first year since this new standard, many firms are still in the process of shifting their processes to conform.
FRC notes that all firms in the Review have areas to improve in their new systems of quality management, such as improving their monitoring process and enhancing evidencing evaluation processes.
Considerations for improving audit quality
The FRC highlights several developments of significant influence on audit quality. We will cover two of them here: the future of the audit profession and technological innovations.
The future of the audit profession
Ensuring the audit profession remains viable and interesting to new talent means firms need to invest in quality training, development and mentoring. The reality is that many firms struggle with staffing to some capacity, stemming from the high responsibility associated with auditing work, the high-pressure environment it represents and perceived poor work-life balance.
This is especially pertinent for the younger generations entering the profession. These new professionals are used to leveraging technology to get around repetitive tasks and to help mitigate some work pressures and may not be willing to work for a firm that doesn’t support this.
Technological innovation
Advancements in technology will have a critical impact on the audit profession, as they unlock smarter and more efficient ways of working. The Review says that smart and appropriate use of technology underpins a strong and flexible audit market and emphasises the importance of implementing the right tools.
Firms have a choice of audit-specific technologies to boost client collaboration, keep a clear and immutable audit trail or to obtain bank statements instantly leveraging Open Banking – and this is only the beginning. As AI is becoming a more prominent feature in the industry, new features and workflows will become available – at this stage, no one really knows what this will look like.
In conclusion
Forward-looking firms have options available to them to positively impact their audit quality in the short term in addressing staff satisfaction and unlocking the power of technology. Both these elements can be achieved by leveraging an audit quality platform such as Circit.
Circit enables audit firms to verify the world's assets at source. We help teams save time on processes, tracking request statuses and collaboration with evidence providers.
Firms using Circit deliver higher quality audits by elevating the client experience and streamlining direct from source collection. With 3x faster turnaround time and 2,5h saved per client bank account, audit staff will be able to focus their time and attention where it counts.
The inputs to audit quality will be influenced by the context in which an audit is performed, the interactions with key stakeholders and the outputs. For example, laws and regulations (context) may require specific reports (output) that influence the skills (input) utilized.
What are the 5 elements of an audit report? ›
(5) Audit reports are maintained and made available to the Commission upon request and must include the following information: (i) Audit objectives; (ii) Audit procedures and scope; (iii) Findings and conclusions; (iv) Recommendations, if applicable; and (v) Management's response.
What are the key elements of ISQC 1 in every audit firm? ›
ISQC (UK) 1 requires policies and procedures to be put in place that consider the competence and resources of the of the firm, the ability to comply with ethical requirements, any potential conflicts of interest whether the firm complies with the audit fees and the prohibition of the provision of non-audit services (as ...
What are the elements of a system of quality control management audit? ›
The quality control policies and procedures applicable to a firm's accounting and auditing practice should encompass the following elements: Independence, Integrity, and Objectivity. Personnel Management. Acceptance and Continuance of Clients and Engagements.
What are the 7 elements of audit? ›
7 Auditing Principles Every Auditor Must Embrace
- Integrity: The Nucleus of Auditing. ...
- Fair Presentation: Promise for Accuracy. ...
- Due Professional Care: Standard of Diligence. ...
- Confidentiality: Bond of Trust. ...
- Independence: The Foundation of Objectivity. ...
- Evidence-based Approach: Reliable Conclusions.
What are the 5 C's of audit? ›
The “Five C's” are criteria, condition, cause, consequence, and corrective action.
What are the components of a quality audit? ›
The quality audit has two components: one is the analysis of the system within which the items of product or service are brought into being and is called the quality system audit. The other one is an analysis of the items themselves, which is called product or service quality audit.
What are the elements of the audit process? ›
Although every audit process is unique, the audit process is similar for most engagements and normally consists of four stages: Planning (sometimes called Survey or Preliminary Review), Fieldwork, Audit Report and Follow-up Review. Client involvement is critical at each stage of the audit process.
What is the ISQM 1 review? ›
ISQM 1 places additional emphasis on the procedures addressing client acceptance and continuance of existing business relationships. Firms must assess the integrity and ethical values of the client and its management, as well as the firm's ability to perform the engagement within legal and professional requirements.
What is the ISQC 1 quality control? ›
In conclusion, ISQC 1 is a standard that sets out quality control requirements for firms that perform audits, reviews, and other assurance and related services engagements, it is intended to enhance the quality and reliability of financial statements by establishing a framework for quality control within the firm.
However, there are certain principles of audits that apply to any organization, regardless of the management system/processes that are to be audited. They are ethical conduct, objectivity and impartiality, cooperation, fair presentation, and professional touch.
What are the six elements of quality control audit? ›
A system of quality control consists of six interrelated elements including, leadership responsibilities for quality within the firm, relevant ethical requirements, acceptance, and continuance of client relationships and specific engagements, human resources, engagement performance, and monitoring.
What are the 5 elements of total quality management? ›
There are five major steps to TQM, and each are essential to successful implementation.
- Commitment and Understanding from Employees. ...
- Quality Improvement Culture. ...
- Continuous Improvement in Process. ...
- Focus on Customer Requirements. ...
- Effective Control.
What are the basic elements of a quality system? ›
- Quality Policy and Objectives. ...
- Quality Manual. ...
- Organizational Structure and Responsibilities. ...
- Internal Processes. ...
- Customer Satisfaction With Product Quality. ...
- Continuous Improvement. ...
- Document Control. ...
- Enterprise Quality Management System (eQMS) Software.
What are the four main elements of quality? ›
It encompasses four key areas: quality planning, quality control, quality assurance, and quality improvement. Quality planning involves defining the quality standards and expectations for products or services, as well as the processes and resources needed to achieve them.
What are the factors of audit quality? ›
In the audit quality literature, auditors' reputation, capabilities, and assurance are the most important aspects of audit quality. They represent the competence factors of auditors.
What are the 5 drivers of audit quality? ›
The FRC's Audit Quality Framework states that there are five primary drivers of audit quality, including (1) audit firm culture, (2) the skills and personal qualities of audit partners and staff, (3) the effectiveness of the audit process, (4) the reliability and usefulness of audit reporting, and (5) factors outside ...