V.J. Valadão1111Corresponding author: victor.dejesusvaladao@unito.it, G. Boffetta1, M. Crialesi-Esposito2, F. De Lillo1, and S. Musacchio11Dipartimento di Fisica and INFN - Università degli Studi di Torino, Via Pietro Giuria, 1, 10125 Torino TO, Italy.2DIEF, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, 41125 Modena, Italy.
It has been long known that the addition of linear friction on two-dimensional Navier-Stokes (NS) turbulence, often referred to as Ekman-Navier-Stokes (ENS) turbulence, induces strong intermittent fluctuations on small-scale vorticity. Such fluctuations are strong enough to be measurable at low-order statistics such as the energy or enstrophy spectrum. Simple heuristics lead to corrections in the spectrum which are proportional to the linear friction coefficient. In this work, we study the spectral correction by the implementation of a GPU-accelerated high-resolution numerical simulation of ENS covering a large range of Reynolds numbers. Among our findings, we highlight the importance of non-locality when comparing the expected results to the measured ones.
I Introduction
Turbulence is a complex and fascinating phenomenon that happens in nature atdifferent physics scales ranging from upper ocean dynamics[1], passing through planetary atmosphere[2], to interstellar media[3] and so on. The beauty of this phenomenon isnot restricted to its observation in nature, but also to the fact that a singleset of dynamic equations is responsible for all those complexities, theNavier-Stokes (NS) equations [4]. The non-linear andnon-local nature of the NS equations requires numerical techniques to solve itwithin a numerical precision, to advance the understanding of turbulencephenomena.
The need for larger and larger simulations has been growing over time at thesame rate as the hardware capabilities since numerical simulations are requiredto solve large and small scales at once [celani2007frontiers].Efficient numerical techniques such asthe pseudospectral method [5, 6] and theuse of massive CPU (Computing Processor Unit) parallelization[7, 8] became the usual paradigm oncomputational turbulence in the idealized case of hom*ogeneous-isotropicconditions. This combination relies on the fact thatmultidimensional Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), the basic core of thepseudospectral method, can be decomposed as a sequence of lower dimensionalFFTs [9]. The latter method slices the spatial domaininto many small packs of data and, through all-to-all CPU communicationsaccelerates the computation of the most intensive parts of the NS solvers byperforming concurrently low dimensional FFTs.
GPU (Graphical Processor Unit) started to be used as auxiliary devices (usuallycalled accelerators) to enhance computational gain on each spatially decomposedpiece of data as the GPUs have many more cores than single CPUs[10, 11]. GPU accelerators pushed thecomputation runtime to a point where almost all the computation time is spenton data transferring and communication among different devices[12, 13]. Fortunately, GPU manufacturerssuch as NVIDIA and AMD have been developing new devices with larger memoriesand/or faster inter-GPU connections, leading to huge accelerations incommunications. New GPU technologies and their applications on the mainsupercomputing centers enabled extensive turbulence simulations up to spatial gridpoints on feasible computational timescales [14].
Notwithstanding, several physical settings in the -turbulence model[15], thin layer turbulence[16, 17, 18, 19, 20],rotating and/or stratified turbulence[21, 22, 23], and manyothers, have almost identical dynamical equations and, in some cases, do notrequire extremely high spatial resolution to be studied. However, since thosesystems can display poor statistical convergence, they need to be solved forvery long times or need to cover a parameter space of large dimensions.
The most popular way of writing numerical code on GPU is by using CUDA, aparallel computing platform created by NVIDIA that provides drop-in acceleratedlibraries such as FFT and linear algebra libraries. One of its strong points isits availability of the most familiar computational languages such asC/C#/C++, Fortran, Java, Python, etc. However, the CUDA solution has aclosed code and works only for NVIDIA-based hardware, losing itsinteroperability among different hardware platforms and clusters. On the otherhand, the Hybrid Input-Output (HIT) is an open-source low-level language with asyntax that is similar to CUDA. Employing HIT or similar open-source languagessuch as OpenCL, developers can ensure the portability and maintainability oftheir code among heterogeneous platforms. In summary, even though GPU codingoptions and interfaces have evolved, it is still needed for inexperienceddevelopers to completely dive into one or more languages to be able to developheterogeneous applications on GPU.
From the point of view of applications, the use of GPU toaccelerate partial differential equations computations does not usuallyrequire to write completely new code, but simply to port anexisting one [24, 25]. If one isrestricted to NVIDIA platforms, a possible solution, is less efficient butmuch easier, is OpenACC, a directive-based programming model that simplifiesparallel GPU programming. Using compiler directives for C and Fortran, OpenACCallows developers to port their existing CPU code, specifying which partsshould be offloaded to the GPU for acceleration, and also supporting MessagePassing Interface (MPI) for multi-node, multi-GPU applications.
The focus of this work is to present a single GPU solution for a generalizedNavier-Stokes equation in two dimensions.Sec.II revisits the phenomenologyof 2D turbulence in the presence of linear large-scale friction, usuallyreferred to as Ekman friction. In Sec.III we introduce the standardpseudospectral method for solving the generalized equation showing someperformance tests. Sec.IV applies our numerical solver to revisit the problemof spectrum correction, focusing on the specific case of the correction to thescaling exponent of the energy spectrum due to the linear friction, concludingwith Sec.V where we discuss the results pointing directions of futureresearch.
II Direct cascade in two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation
It has long been known that studying the 2D NS equation is more than simply anacademic case study on the road to understanding turbulence phenomena. TheEarth’s atmosphere[26], the dynamics of oceans’surface[27], and geometrically confined flows[17, 19] are examples ofphysical systems where experiments and numerical simulations showfeature of two-dimensional turbulence, at least on a range of scales.To revisit the 2D phenomenology, we start with the incompressibleNavier-Stokes equation in two dimensions
(1) |
where repeated indices are implicitly summed and are the components of the gradient vector. The field represents the fluid velocity, is the pressure fieldwhose role is to ensure incompressibility and representsan external forcing density.Two dissipative terms are in (1), one is the standardviscosity which is active at small scales,while , often referred to as Ekman friction,remove energy at large scales and provide a statistically stationary state.This friction term has a different physical origin depending on the specificphysical model, e.g. layer-layer friction in stratified fluids[28] or air friction in the case ofsoap films [31].
2D incompressible NS equations can be conveniently rewritten in terms ofa pseudoscalar vorticity and the stream function. The former is given by while the latter is related to the velocityfield through where in both cases, is the full antisymmetric tensor.Clearly, we have .By contracting (1) with we get
(2) |
where the Jacobian isand is the 2D curl of the forcing.
A convenient assumption for the study of hom*ogeneous-isotropic turbulenceis to assume that the forcing is a random functionwith zero mean and white-in-time correlations:
(3) |
where the spatial correlation function has support on a given scale,i.e. ,and .
In the inviscid, unforced limit, the model (2) conserved thekinetic energy and the enstrophy, where the brackets indicate the average over the domain.In the presence of forcing and dissipations the energy/enstrophy balancesread
(4) |
(5) |
The different terms in (4-5) define thecharacteristic scales of forcing ,viscous dissipation and friction . Whenthese scales are well separated and in stationary conditionsone expects the development of a direct enstrophy cascade in the inertialrange of scales and an inverse energycascade in the scales [35] (see Appendix A).
The central statistical object in the classical theory of turbulenceis the energy spectrum defined as .In the range of scales dissipative effects are negligible and can assume a constant flux ofenstrophy . This can be expressed in terms of the energyspectrum as [35]
(6) |
where is the characteristic frequency of deformation of eddiesat the scale . Dimensionally one has
(7) |
where is the wavenumber associated to the forcingand the upper limit in the integral reflects that scales smaller than act incoherently.A scale-free solution that gives a constant enstrophy flux gives .However, this is not consistent sincethis gives, when inserted in (7) and (6),a log-dependent enstrophy flux.In other words, a scale-independent flux is not compatible with apure power-law energy spectrum.The correction proposed by Kraichnan is to include a log-correctionin the spectrum [36]
(8) |
which now gives a scale-independent enstrophy flux.
One important remark for the following is that the spectrum(8) gives a log-dependency of the frequencies on the wavenumber. Therefore the direct cascade of enstrophyis at the border of locality in the sense that all the scalescontribute with the same rate to the transfer of enstrophy.
While viscous dissipation simply acts as a high-wavenumber cut-offof the constant enstrophy flux and the Kraichnan spectrum (8),the role of friction is more subtle as it produces a correction to theexponent of the spectrum and even the breakdown of self-similar scaling[40, bernard2000influence].This effect is strictly related to the non-local property of thecascade. Indeed in the presence of friction one can write a simpleexpression for the rate of enstrophy transfer [35]
(9) |
which states that part of the flux is removed in the cascade at arate proportional to the friction coefficient .Using now (6) with a constant deformation rate one immediately obtain the solution
(10) |
with the correction in the power-law scaling
(11) |
A posteriori, the use of a constant deformation rate is justified by the fact that inserting (10) (with any )into (7) produces a deformation frequency which decreases with and therefore is the most efficient scale in the transfer of enstrophy.
We remark that the above argument can be made more rigorousin the physical space where is replaced bythe Lyapunov exponent of the smooth flow. By taking into accountit* finite-time fluctuations one predicts the breakdown of self-similarscaling and the production of intermittency in the statistics ofthe vorticity field [40] which has been observed in numerical simulations [37].
III Numerical simulations of the direct cascade with friction
We tested the prediction of the previous Section, and in particular thecorrection (10) to the energy spectrum in the presence of friction,by means of extensive direct numerical simulations of the 2D NS equations(2) at very high resolutionsusing a pseudo-spectral code implemented on Nvidia GPU usingthe directive-based programming model OpenACC.Some details about the code and its performances can be foundin AppendixA.
Simulations are done in a square box of size ,with regular grid with forcing correlation givenby (3).Three sets of simulations have been done with different resolutionand viscosity , with different values of the friction coefficient in each set.
Run | |||||||
A | 4096 | 9.615 | 65584 | 4.19 | 1,4,7,10,20,30,40,50,60,80 | ||
B | 8192 | 34.560 | 100463 | 3.38 | 4,6,10,20,30,40,50,60,80,100 | ||
C | 16384 | 114.750 | 149877 | 2.77 | 6,12,18,36,48,60,72,96,120 |
We changed the forcing scale to allow, for the simulations at the highestresolution, the development of a narrow inverse cascade to study its effect onthe phenomenology of the direct cascade.Table 1 shows the most relevant parameters of our simulations.
Fig.1 shows some snapshots of the vorticity field taken fromnumerical simulations at different resolutions.The size of the largest vortices observed in the flow corresponds to theforcing scale which is reduced increasing the resolution, as indicatedin Table1. By zooming the runs by the factor correspondingto the different forcing scales, we see indeed that the vorticesare rescaled approximatively to the same scale.
The enstrophy balance (5) is shown in Fig.2 for allthe simulations in stationary conditions.Remarkably, this quantity is independent on theresolution (i.e. on the viscosity) and depends on the dimensionless parameter only. We see that for all the enstrophy in the cascade is removed by friction term.
Figure3 shows the time-averaged energy spectra forthe different simulations of the set C at the highest resolution.In all cases, in the direct cascade range, the spectrum displays a power-lawscaling steeper than and the steepness increases for largervalues of the friction coefficient.The runs with the smallest values of friction display a short inverse cascadeat wavenumber with an exponent close to thedimensional prediction .
In order to measure the correction to the scaling exponent wefitted with a pure power-law behavior. We found that this procedureis not very robust since it depends on the range of wavenumbers chosenfor the fit. Indeed, a non-power-law behavior is observed for wavenumber, as it is evident from Fig.3.Moreover, we find that even for finite the relation (6)between the spectrum and the enstrophy flux requires the introductionof a logarithmiccorrection. This is evident from Fig.4 where we plot the ratio together with for run C. It is evident that while thelatter quantity is never constant, the incorporation of the logarithmicterm produces a constant ratio on the inertial range of scales.
We therefore measure the exponent correction by a power-lawfit of the compensated energy spectra .The results are shown in Fig.5 for all our simulations.We find that the correction is indeed linear with the friction coefficient, as predicted by (11) with a different slope for the differentsets of simulations.The deformation rate in (11) is dimensionally aninverse time and this suggests to plot the exponents of the different runsas a function of the dimensionless friction .In Fig.5 we see that indeed this produces an almost perfectcollapse of the data from the different runs.We remark that the above rescaling is not a unique possibility: Indeedan inverse time of the flow is also given by or but we find that data collapse is observed with the proposedcompensation only.
IV Conclusions
In this paper, we offer a GPU-accelerated solution for high-resolution numerical simulations of generalized convection-diffusion equations in two dimensions. The use of a single GPU permits huge accelerations due to the absence of inter-GPU communication. This paradigm shift permitted an acceleration of about times respectively to the CPU code. Since GPU memories are the huge bottleneck of the application, the best use for our code are problems that do not require too big spatial resolution but still need to solve many large time scales. One among many examples is the study of non-equilibrium fluctuation on SQG turbulence [47]. Indeed, the latter work used a preliminary version of the present code.
For our physical application, we studied the 2D NS equations in the presence of Ekman friction, revisiting low-resolution results on its energy spectra that exhibit a steeper power-law decay than predicted by dimensional analysis, consistent with the presence of intermittency. This steepness increases linearly with friction, aligning with the theoretical prediction , where put forward by [37]. Furthermore, in our simulations, we permitted the existence of an inverse energy cascade that, in principle, should invalidate the arguments leading to the linear dependency of the correction on the friction parameter. For the latter, we notice that as long the turbulent state is not of a condensate, the linear prediction holds.
Regarding the infinite time Lyapunov exponent , our results show that it is the inverse of twice the large scale time , instead of the small scale quantities. Future investigations could delve deeper into the specific mechanisms through which large-scale dynamics influence by the proper estimation of the Cramer function, potentially shedding light on fundamental aspects of turbulence intermittency and the passiveness of vorticity at small scales. In this sense, adding the implementation of passive scalar, eulerian/lagrangian tracers, and possible multiple GPU implementations on the gTurbo code is likely to be developed in the near future.
This work has been supported by Italian Research Center on High Performance Computing Big Data andQuantum Computing (ICSC), project funded by European Union - NextGenerationEU -and National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) - Mission 4 Component 2 withinthe activities of Spoke 3 (Astrophysics and Cosmos Observations). We acknowledge HPC CINECA for computing resources within the INFN-CINECA GrantINFN24-FieldTurb.
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Appendix A Numerical integration of the 2D NS equation
To build numerical solvers for a broader class of turbulent models, we rewrite(2) in a more general formulation,
(12) |
where we introduced a generalized linear dissipative operator,
(13) |
representing a positive-diagonal operator in the Fourier space.Although this paper is devoted to the study of the direct cascade in 2DNS turbulence, the equation (12) contains a whole class ofturbulence models known as -turbulence [15].The definition of thisclass of model is better understood through the relation between thegeneralized vorticity and the stream function, represented in the Fourier space through
(14) |
In the following, we will discuss the particular case butthe scheme can be adapted to any value of .
The generalized dissipative operator has the role discussed inSectionII, i.e. to provide stationary states and preventingcondensate formations. For one recovers the standardfriction/viscosity terms, while for depending on the orders and of the dissipative operator, the coefficients and have differentdimensional roles and can dissipate over a more narrow range ofscales. For example, hyperviscosity () is used to diminish the action ofdissipation on the dissipative subrange, leading to extended inertial ranges atthe cost of a bigger thermalization effect (bottleneck) of high wavenumber[38, 39].Moreover, one reason to introduce hypofriction ()instead of normal friction is to avoid the correction to theenstrophy cascade discussed in SectionII.
A.1 Pseudospectral GPU code
We developed and tested an original pseudospectral code to integratethe general model on Nvidia hardware.Pseudospectral schemes are widely used in numerical studies of turbulencebecause of their accuracy in derivatives and the simplicity to invertthe Laplace equation.Another practical advantage is that most of the resources in pseudospectralscheme is used to compute the Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) necessary tomove back and forth from Fourier space (where derivatives are computed)to physical space (where products and other nonlinear terms are evaluated).Therefore, to make the code efficient for a given architecture,it is (almost) sufficient to have an efficient FFT.
The numerical code gTurbo2D uses a standard Runge-Kutta (RK) scheme totime advance the solution with exact integration of the linear terms.In the simple case of a second-order RK scheme, the evolution of thevorticity field in (12) is given by( represents the Fourier transform of the quantity)
(15) |
(16) |
The evaluation of the nonlinear term is partially done inthe physical space (in order to avoid the computation of convolutions).In the present implementation of the code the evaluation of the nonlinearterm is done as follows. From the vorticity field in Fourier space thecode computes the stream function by inverting (14).The two components of the velocity are then obtained fromthe derivatives of and then transformed in the physicalspace together with the vorticity (this step requires 3 inverse FFTs).The products are computed (and stored in the samearrays of the velocity) and transformed back in Fourier space(this requires 2 direct FFTs). Finally the divergence of is computed and stored in the original array.Therefore the evaluation of the nonlinear term requires 5 FFTs and eachstep of the n-order RK scheme requires FFTs.
A.2 Code implementation and Performance tests
The code gTurbo2D is written in Fortran 90 with OpenACC, which enablesthe use of Nvidia hardware through compiler directives.Simulations are done on Leonardo machine, a pre-exascale Tier-0supercomputer where,each of the 3456 computing nodes is composed of a single-socket processor of32-core at 2.60GHz, 512 GB of RAM and, 4 Nvidia A100 GPUs of 64GB eachconnected by NVLink 3.0.The version of gTurbo2D used for this work is a single GPU code while themulti-GPU version is under development.We remark that the study of 2D turbulence requires much less memory than3D (a single scalar field in two dimensions) and the remarkable resolutionof grid points can be reached on a single GPU.However, large resolutions require very small time steps and thereforethe resolution is limited not only by the memory but also by thespeed of the code.
The left panel of Figure 2 shows the total GPU memory usage in Gb(circles) as a function of the resolution . For moderate resolution the memory usage is almost independent of the resolutionsince most of the memory is used to store the libraries, the kernel, andthe resolution-independent variables. For larger resolutions, the memoryused to store the 2D fields dominates and therefore it is proportional to.Remarkably, we observe a similar behavior for the mean elapsed time.This can be explained by the relative smallness of the problem comparedto the GPU parallelization capacity. Indeed, not all the registers on theGPUs are required to fully parallelize the computation which thereforeis performed in a time independent of the resolution. For larger resolution,the computational time grows proportionally to the amount of computationrequired for the time step, i.e. to .
Figure 7 shows the percentage of time spent on each step of the timeintegration, step 7 was not included since it is a simple repetition of steps 1to 6. One should note that the most computationally intensive part is due tothe forward and backward FFTs (steps 2 and 4) that account for more than of the computational time. However, the importance of the forward and backwardtransforms is different since their subroutines are called with differentfrequencies. Besides, we decided to move the normalization to the forwardtransform since it has fewer calls per timestep. Although the integratorstability depends intrinsically on the physical properties of the system inquestion, we observed some practical advantages of using RK4EL in some testedcases. For , the governing equations represent a model known as theSurface Quasi Geostrophic (SQG) model[30, 41], which has important applicationson atmospheric [27] and ocean flows[2]. On the one hand, the RK2EL scheme is roughly twiceas fast as RK4EL since it requires half the number of repetitions. On the otherhand, for , we were able to increase the timestep by a factor of almost5 using the fourth-order scheme. For a simulation with fixed physical time, one can have a speedup of approximately on the totalsimulation time.