Best in slot weapons and armor in Black Desert Online · (2024)

In the world of Black Desert Online, choosing the right weapons and armor for your character is crucial to achieving success and climbing up the ranks on the leaderboard. Although every class in the game has their own strengths and abilities, there are a few items that can boost their efficiency. These items are not

In the world of Black Desert Online, choosing the right weapons and armor for your character is crucial to achieving success and climbing up the ranks on the leaderboard. Although every class in the game has their own strengths and abilities, there are a few items that can boost their efficiency. These items are not limited to one particular class in the game.

This article will discuss some of the best weapons, armor, and accessories that can be used across all classes in Black Desert Online.

List of some of the best weapons and armor for every class in Black Desert Online

1) Main Hand Weapon

Main Hand Weapons in Black Desert Online (Image via Pearl Abyss)

The best main-hand weapons for every class in Black Desert Online are listed below:

  • Tuvala Weapons:- These are obtained exclusively through Season Servers and represent the pinnacle of starting weaponry. It is recommended for both new and returning players to take advantage of these remarkable weapons.
  • Kzarka:- It is a formidable boss weapon that serves as an upgrade path for your Tuvula Weapon. It excels in both PvE and PvP encounters and stands as a top-tier choice for many adventurers.
  • Offin Tett:- An alternative to Kzarka is the Offin Tett, which boasts slightly higher AP, enabling easier access to the higher AP brackets. However, this advantage comes at the cost of reduced accuracy, making it more suitable for classes that rely less on precision.
  • Blackstar:- When it comes to the best-in-slot PvE weapon, nothing surpasses the mighty Blackstar. As a remarkable contender, the Godr-Ayed weapons offer identical stats. However, keep in mind that PEN Blackstars present the most challenging enhancement process, demanding great effort and resources.

2) Sub-Weapon

Some of the best sub-weapons or offhand weapons that you may like to have are:

  • Tuvala Shield:- Tuvala Shield is exclusive to Season Servers. They are the optimal choice for new and returning players seeking exceptional starting weapons.
  • Blackstar Shield:- In PvE situations, Blackstar Shield presents a viable alternative to Kutum. Additionally, the newly introduced Godr-Ayed weapons share the same stats as Blackstar but follow a different enhancement process.
  • Kutum Shield:- For your sub-weapon, Kutum should be your priority, replacing your Tuvala offhand. Kutum weapons offer a balanced combination of AP and DP, along with additional bonus damage against monsters, making them highly effective for PvE content.
  • Nouver Shield:- On the other hand, Nouver is the ultimate choice for PvP encounters, boasting remarkable AP that places it at the top of the best-in-slot list for most classes in player-versus-player situations.

3) Awake Weapon

The Awake Weapons best for your character's build are the following:

  • Tuvala Greatsword:- It is another weapon from the category of Tuvala weapons only obtainable through the Seasonal Activities and a must-recommended item for new players and veterans.
  • Dandelion Greatsword:- The Dandelion Greatsword serves as a boss weapon and an upgrade for your Tuvala weapon. It excels in both PvE and PvP encounters. You can transform it into a Fiery weapon by infusing it with a Garmoth's Heart.
  • Blackstar Greatsword:- While the awakening Blackstar weapon shares additional monster damage with its main-hand counterpart, it holds slightly lower monster damage. As a result, obtaining the main-hand Blackstar is usually prioritized first. For PvE content, the Blackstar Greatsword stands as the ultimate weapon.

4) Armor

Caphras Black Desert Online (Image via Pearl Abyss)

These are some of the best armor sets in Black Desert Online that you can use:

  • Boss Set:- This boss set stands out as the most sought-after option after completing the Season, gaining popularity due to its focus on Damage Reduction, which proves effective for all classes, including Wizard, Valkyrie, Wiitch, Berserker, Ranger, Warrior, and so on.
  • Fallen God Armor:- The best among this set is the Fallen God Armor piece. Gradually, it will replace your Red Nose armor. To craft the formidable Fallen God Armor, you'll require a Flame of Despair and either a PEN Red Nose or Dim Tree Armor with level 10 caphras.
  • Labreska Helmet:- For the helmet, the Labreska Helmet takes the crown as the best-in-slot choice, ultimately replacing your Giath or Griffon helmet. To craft the Labreska helmet, you'll need a Flame of Frost and a PEN Giath or Griffon Helmet with level 10 caphras.

5) Accessories

Accessories in Black Desert Online (Image via Pearl Abyss)

The best accessories for your character in Black Desert Online are listed below:

  • PEN Capotia Necklace:- To make the most of your first season, it's advisable to acquire the PEN Capotia Necklace since it provides the highest AP boost.
  • PEN Ring of Crescent Guardian:- A PEN Ring of Crescent Guardian is obtainable after completing Jetina's PEN Accessory quests that require a minimum of 45 days to complete.

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Best in slot weapons and armor in Black Desert Online · (2024)


What is the best gear possible in BDO? ›

Blackstar. Blackstar equipment is more powerful than boss gear, and in more specific terms, this type of gear has stats specialized for PvE. TET (IV) Blackstar gear and PEN (V) boss gear are at a similar level, and PEN (V) Blackstar gear can be considered overall the highest-tier gear out of all the existing gear sets.

What is the highest level achieved in black desert online? ›

No Level Cap in Black Desert Online

Black Desert has a steep leveling curve, as many adventurers will find that the grind needed to rank up starting from 60 becomes exponentially high. While there is no max level, Black Desert Online has a concept for soft and hard caps.

How to get Narchillan armor BDO? ›

To obtain the Narchillan Gear, you must complete a quest from the Black Spirit called “[Special Aid] Fughar's Letter”. Quest Requirements: Completed the Calpheon Main Story Questline + level 50 or higher. OR be level 56 or higher.

What is the best weapon for PVE in BDO? ›

Blackstar is the best in slot PVE weapon. Godr-Ayed weapons are an alternative to Blackstar weapons, with the same stats but a different enhancing method. Like the main-hand Blackstar weapon, the awakening Blackstar has additional monster damage.

How to get tier 8 mount BDO? ›

- Tier 8 Horses can now be obtained by breeding two Lv 10, Tier 7 horses, along with using [Rainbow Jewel Fruit]. [Rainbow Jewel Fruit] can be purchased from the Livestock Vendor for 100,000,000 silver. The chances of successfully breeding a Tier 8 Horse is low.

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Sorceress. Awakening - belonging to the S-tier, this version of Sorceress might as well be called the best class in Black Desert Online.

How long does it take to 100% Black Desert? ›

Powered by IGN Wiki Guides
Main Story13100h
Main + Extras14300h
Completionist61900h 23m
All PlayStyles33200h

What is the fastest way to level up in Black Desert? ›

Power leveling is when a high-level player kills monsters while you are in a party and standing nearby. You will get EXP from the monsters killed and can level very quickly. Powerleveling can take as little as 2 hours to get to level 56 if the person helping you has high AP and you use all available EXP buffs.

What is super armor in BDO? ›

Super Armor (SA)

Skills that feature Super Armor will protect you from any Crowd Control effects other than being grappled (grabbed). You can tell when your character is in Super Armor if you play with Defensive Icons turned on, which is recommended for newer players.

How to get aura in bdo? ›

Contained Boss Aura is obtained by Simple Alchemy on an unenhanced, PRI, DUO, or TRI piece of boss gear. You always want to use a TRI piece of boss gear to get Contained Boss Aura because it is the most economical; there is literally no reason to use an unenhanced piece of gear.

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However, there is an additional hard cap at 400%, so even if you have all 4 of these buffs at once, the maximum you can obtain is Item Drop Rate +400%.

What is the best tier in BDO? ›

SS-Tier. Those belonging to the SS-Tier are the most powerful in Black Desert Online. They offer massive damage output, great survivability mechanics, and impressive combat versatility.

What is gearscore in BDO? ›

Gear score is a numerical value based on the statistics of a player's gear. It is (supposedly) the maximum potential of a player's performance. Gear Score in Black Desert Online is based on your both your Attack Power as the Awakened Attack Power and your Defense Power.

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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.