Anderson Weekly Herald from Anderson, Indiana (2024)

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Anderson Weekly Heraldi

Anderson, Indiana

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ANDERSON WEEKLY HERALD TH KSUAY SEP I PM Ilf 29 1991 PAGE IVE PtTM ATI 0 practici 1 1 nislicrl are The Sterling I'luRgy I'ninpnny line of Hu best I 1 1 vehicle iiciiiu fact Ill plants In the State was pur ehnsei! yestcrila by George A Lam bert of this eily ami IC Ya'rnelln ol Wiiyiii' The iilanl is locateil at Itusl i i 1 1 ami was soft at privaie sain Io lln above iinineil men lio it is un jlerslnnd wore IliP principal eroiiitors Several years ago II Lambert a brother of the Lamberts oi Ibis city lu ni to rinsliviilu anil os ta 11 isb O'i That is I am still standing the scarcity of Pure Vinegar Yours for business George Hadley The Price Maker 926 Main St 1017 Meridian St ENTER NOW OR ALL TERM c'iTi i Consolidated with 1 The Anderson Business School Are now loctilt in lheir new quarters tl entire third floor of the Decker Block winch has bren rcinoilaled and refurnished th roughout giving A nderson one of the finest Business Colleges in the 'united Slates We are not able to supply the demands upon us for voting men who know Kliurlhaml and can run a typewriter skillfully Young men from other places have to be brought heie to take I he positions offered Should you not be able to come to day school do the next best tiling and come overlings Advanced Dictation Classes Are emiducleil in dll day nnd' evening school Special attenl ion given tn DEVH NT TYPEWRITING AND THE BLISS ACTUAL BUSINESS All young mmi in Anderson and Vicinity who started a morse in Shmrhand ami never urged to'enti ami complete the course ikmeraber our facilities are the very beet Tor full particulors write call or phone 340 Typewriters rented and bought ANDERSON BUSINESS COLLEGE Rumor That a Rushville Buggy actory May be Moved Here PURCHASES I BIC ACTORY 5 Bliss Business University 1 I AMILY JARS I I Have Reference to ruit ars I i 4 i 4 In 'i 1 1 n(du it 11 able io supply yvur them I have it for your pickle I know no other pure Vinegar in the city CHAS CRING Gen Mgr BRUNNER Pres GRAND OPERA HOUSE THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 29 at SMALL to 50 Cents an1 SUMS HAVE YOU HEARD LAPEL ABOUT SOCIETY OLK 1 AND THE TRAVELEKS lini AND THE TRAVELERS 10 die St Louis exposition in the Hall this eien ing Vu ILlrlrnp Basil 1 ipr LOAN CO Mr to mi! Bit ICKLE Mrs 1 A Gooding near Alexandria eet Swollen to Immense Size MAN! SMS MARK HMWUHWl A Shirt lyer The divorce granted to William suffering was LAND RAUDS ill limb ARE UNCOVERED iss Scott ta Co Size Collars 3 East Ninth Street Anderson RSB2DE Lili io The Smith Stock arm Mon piles Iiitn to the lady airmount sad experience Amusem*nts at the Grand be the guest of Mrs her the belter half of the matrimonial PILES "I have Knffr rod with tHo tor Uiirty aix ynnnv fail Lliirty six yniinv 1 wt ng CANDY CATHARTIC Plensmit I'nlalnbbi Tmt (loud DoOood evi'i slckmi Weal 'Mi nr Gripe 10c 2Se SDc Niwot Sterling Remedy Co or NY 515 kneir ANNUAL SAIT TEN MILLION BO XT In cli eon most on pastor of four eft Mftcrnoon from his wife Mary Liihgne I'rif'e legally dissolves a bond which has never recognized by either Best for The Dowels will city fits Just and little for an ex and Mrs Pendleton she sat the Matinee Price 15 and 25 Cents Warrender entertained of the Thimble Chib in Old and New Telephones Tim members of the senior will give a hay ride riday to Pendleton on the sick list Homer Steven Kansas after a The Rathbone Sisters will give a supper at lhe Odd collows' building on Saturday evening Oct The pub lic is invited to bo present and get good supper ileere Thurman is mil ertai ning his uncle ami aunt of Columbus Broken lots of $100 and $150 left over from our recent sale to go at halt price home Helle Kokomo is Mrs Mary mol her rs the Alexandria The Nenpariol uinb gave a dance last owing in (he Golden Eagle's hMl in lhe isher block Dancing lasted until a late hour and was greatly en joyed by all present Miss Louise Haber will entertain the iiiembiTs of the Junior class riday evening at her home on Nichol avenue The tncel Adams this afternoon nt lhe home of thu'lMrmur bln 1 Smith Bear! street on a loan of $2500 on a loan of 5000 of a loan of 10000 Remember we also have ot her plmn Mr ar Sparks are two of the and best known young city Out West" is another Arizona It Is a story of love and strife Inside an nrmv barracks In the ar West Everyomp iuioys spuing pic lures of American life rs 1 lenry a re spending limit 'Mrs George Castor Is suffering with a bad case of Janies DeWitt still liligers along hough almost hd pl rs James Reid who have fur some months are abptit the same They Way Out West Jlrs I IliilTman Is with imllgnsliin Lilly suiter from that bio ulamio ot tbo niuhl ilcblng noun's Ointment euros qnielily ami 1O Iimnenilv At any brim store 50 of Mr Miss Alli sent tn Ladies Eastern Star will with Mrs Glasco and Mts It also shews whicli pursues semn of the1 hymen's riisc'l and yesterday court to ue lhe legal It cord wh ieh bon nd in name only Ties Ik Ilin fiecolld of Iho bride Two years ago she was one of' Lwii souls wl'h but a single thoughl and in Anderson was arrnng the chronic had kidney trouble so writes Cox of Walley View Ky "(hat could not work my foot were swollen to immense size find I was confined to my bod and physicians were unable to give mo any relief My doctor fuiallv prescribed oley's Kidney Cure which made a well man of Avoid seri ous results of kidney or bladder dis order by Diking oley's Kidney Cure Duck Dricklcy of the plot is in a lighthouse The unusual feature of the play lays in this fuel and tin author finds ample fruit to build a play around such a place that is both interesting and impress! ve The pkiy is in the handsf a capable company of Rotors and io one sliould miss this excellent ulraction DOING BUSINESS No peciry in this Un riday and Saturday wo sold B55 ions of IN SHALL coal to Anderson people Some of it wets for steam use and some do rnestie Was yours in this? If nor got inlo 11m M1NSHALL baud wagon Lliat's what burning $385 but going up ANDERSCW COAL COMPANY: 1808 Main st Phones 782 essi'ul as mterpsl interwoven I hat made the latter play so famous IL strmigly appeals to al! lovers ot comedv iirnma Tlte jm will bo given here under the management' of Mort Sanford tonight at the Grand 1 The aggrieve and wifeless husband tried every means to get his wife to li vp with him but she persistently re flsked Die will Sehalk Io Lout attended ihe at Tipton 909 MERIDIAN STREET (Over Rochester Shoe Store) ESL 1RD7 Otlice hours 7:3" a KANSAS CITY Sept' Senator William 11 Stewart chairman of lhe Senate committee on Indian affairs said to day that land frauds in In dian Territory had grown lo such pro portions they would luivn a bad'ITecl in the fight for statehood "Thu Indian said ho in a lamentable condition Tlier'1 is no ippt mtn ui I there for actual tiers Speculators or hind grabbers' oceiiy lhe ent ire The of Miss 'Alice Mat thews and Mr Ubaude Jones occurred last evening at clock at the of the Mailhcws on the Rey polhemns ofli eiat ing MaHhuws home was beautifully aied with palms and ferns hctiiitiful and useful presents received gmil Sen Stewart ot Nevada Says In dian Territory is in Lament able Shape Willi rnmily ariniml expecting Mm to ilie and a son riding for life 1 miles IO get Dr King's New Disrovcry I for Consumption Couglis unit Colds 11 Brown of Limaville Ind en dured death's agonies from nslhma hilt this wondorfiir medirlne gave Im stnn I relief ami soon on red him He writes: now sleep soundly every night" Like nmrveloiu cures of Con sumption Pneumoniii Bronchitis Coughs Colds and Grip prove Its nm ch less merit for all Throat and Lung Troubles Guaranteed botHes tale nnd $100 Ti ixl bullies free at Buck add Brinkley's JU'iig Store Invilalons to Ike' winkling ILiberl b'aiien and lelgli Sp'irks have been friends of the families The marriage Girl Who Has Twice Been Duped Will Let Them Aloie married by ilie hi i Indic priest at Gas City Immediately after being married lhe couple repaired to lhe wedding dinner which awaited them bill in 11m midst of ihu cheer and good fellowship a appeared at the banquid board in the shape nf a suni iiimis from the priest J'or the couple to go to the parsonage once They did so' mid' lhe Driest informed the bride that hep husband had been mar ried before: that his divorced wile was still living and therefore the church 'lid not recognize the marriage Thu bride uf a moment only upon hearing this ivi'used to accompany her husband and from that moment has never spoken lu him persisting In aggru I ng him ny ireating him as stated lii'U the purchase of lhe Sterling may mean the removal of the plant to this city and its consolidation with the Anderson Carriage Company Mr Lambert being interested in ilie latter company also keeping too are helu less Mrs Thilip Mills southwest of town grows gradually weaker I 1 1 i icsirew is A Huffman and son are home from season of threshing Dmr'r Critser is painting and repa perln the Wesleyan church John Infant child is quite sick with croup Mesdfinics Edvtho Wilcox Jennie Wilenx ami Iva Passwalor attended a party given by Mrs August Blest of Andersen Iasi Week Dapiismal services wire held at the Wright gravel pit on Monday aft ernoon Rev Mvrs the church baptising didatus familv arc this week at the St Louis Exposition Mrs rank tlm members yesterday afternoon ai her home on ICust Sth street in Place The aflermnm was spent in sewing after which contests were lhe features Late in the afternoon a dain'y served and all speid a joyU'le time The Knights of CulumbiiH a smoker and Hing snriii Mrs Harry Cummins loft yester day io spend a few days at the worldT fair Miss J'earl Kaufman of Richmond returned to her home yesterday after a visit with friends in this city Mrs Dan fr yesim day for a visit Mrs A II Snars aiul Mrs A Bui Inr ntiuiul e(l tbc funeral of Mrs Hihb ni at Tipton yesterday AT Phn rl I funeral of arc moving lo Knightstown for future res wi Hi Miss anny Michaels 1ms reiurned from a brinf visit ai Kendleton red Kelso l't yesterday for Greenfield ()" where he nn ill make his home 1 Misses Lulia and Beulah Overman the Sterling Buggy Company and did a prosperous business A few month's ago i Im plant was placed In hands of a receiver ami as an outgrowth of the financial complications the aged Mr Lambert the father of the sons here was a person of ini sound mind and a guardian appointed for him The proceeding was merely one to protect the fallier against loss in the failure of the ccmipany he hav ing indorsed paper lor the concern Mr Yarnolle is ar the head of uno of the largest li'en ami carriage goods companies in 'the West The pur chase of Ihu plant by he and Mr Lumbert 1ms already been approved by the court and by the Sale the creditors will receive about cents on the dollar Of any one who is carrying a loan wita is? We ihiuk not simply be cause every business iiansnclion no how small is kept strictly from the public gossip When you ydurvdf in need of some ready cash don't 'on' hesitate 1ml come at once to ns and we ran help you out of the ditllculty We loan on urniture Di anus Horses Wagons and most any thing in the way of personal property Ratus and terms lo suit Accompanied by a crowd of gnosis repaip'd to the church and there down to await groom but lie Mrs Herbert Cronk of onlral ave nue gave a very pleasant surprise on her sister Mrs Claude Taylor Tues day evening In honor of Mrs blrthdtiy imnl The ovori'itig was spent with various games mid mu sic which refreshment wore served A large number of people were present and enjoyed the even Miss Hester Hill entertained a few friends last evening at her home ou North Jackson street In a most (harming manner The evuing was greatly enjoyed witli music and ga mi's after which light refreshments were served Those present wore: Misses Ruth Nellie Bravy imis Tracy Alma Hasson and Miss Burke decor Many wore After lhe ceremony an ole supper was served the guests bride is a very popular young lady ami is a graduate of the Tity high scliO'd Mr Joims is a very piomitHnl young farmer and his many ftioiids wish him much liappjiness Those present at the wedding besid relatives wenj: Miss lorence rett of Champagne Hl Misses Mar gnrot letcher Audrey Kindle unco Carroll and and Mrs rank rand Bort arren left 9 o'clock last night for St ouis where they will 'spend their Imiiuvnioim LAI'LL 1 nd Sept Mrs A Gibbs Clint Gibbs and wife and Mrs Bert Riggs left fo lheir home in Georgia today' Me' srs A Gibbs and Bert Riggs went along will) the household goods and slock a oonple The bill at the Grand Opera House The cast is particularly fine being I'or next SntiTliiy nl'lernoon and iriglit i headed by tbc cbarniliig IHUe aelress is a stirring melodrama full of sen Grace Hull In lhe pail ol 1 osoy at saliunal climaxes and abounding in I ker tup litile genet il wonderfullv realistic situations lhe title is Lighthouse Rob itlrk' Out Is des tined to become as popular and sue Highl it has that heart 1 st irrtir a stirring plot SATURDAY OCTOBER i Afternoon indNieht M1UAJJI SMITH Prop Summitville Ind Efio ci'es six miles west of Summitwillo on the Bi" Pouf Rnilroail anil 18 miles north of Anderson Madison County lnliiina Ului li'iu i ars reach Summitville hourly I'lur Martha Rout Mr ICpply iGirsiu Murr The hoppy couple father William Sparks 41'2 West Seventh street this city at 8 C(luesday evening Oct fen ami Miss most popular CARRIER Prin ENTER NOW OR ALL TERM days with her mother Mrs Blake a Kol(onio Eaco*ck of Oklahoma City lias reimmed honm after a visit with Mr and Mrs Rose Mrs Ea couk will remain several weeks Mrs Dr of Pundluton 1ms returned home alter a visit in this city Mfr William Vincoit daughter luft last evening tended visit with friends lives In Syracuse Mrs Ruth Custer returned from a visit with friends ai Greenfield Mr and Mrs Vandeventer left yesterday for a visit with friends at 1 Will razee transacted business at Mrs A Newton of visitting her mother Maori' for a few days 1 Wrinjllion ami Public Sale Wednesday Oct 12 OR SALE HOUSES Ri eeiler of stiimlanl bred Ti otters Onwards Wilkes and ICIi'ui ionc i 12 colts and soinu mares and fillivs ready lin'd Six span of two year old mules broke to work CATTLE 35 cows part' of tlif'iu nin h'd to a pure broil Siior Horn Canadian Calf and also thirtci'ii calves inaloand fcniule GO nialo pigs and 60 fema'e pigs and sows with pigs and some dy bred ree Hack at Ole Livery Summitville "The Light House Nijjht knee 15 to of) Cents 50c and J5C SEE WEST WINDOW Grnce I hili and mi excellent support ing company will be seen in Dick stirring military drama Out which wil he produced at the Gruid under the management of Mort Sanford tonight Thu play ti'lls an interesi ing tale and dot's not rely upon sensational stage efforts to carry its successes The scenery has been copied from sketches of the great Western artist rederick Remington Cuming' Saturday afternoon util lhe Liguuiouse icoimery a 'melodrama full human In erest in town yesterday Rev If Hopkins moved household goods to Sheridan week Jackson was in Anderson day Mrs Stephenson and Grace Luc wore shopping in Ander son yesterday Rev Aaron Wrirlh of Bryant was Hio guest of McCarty on Monday Ed Lawson and Wife of visited in Lapel yesterday Mrs Kelta Smith are visiting 1 ula 1 i ves LWhiyK Campbull of Noblesville was the guest of Mr and Mrs Sampson McDole yesterday Mrs Charles Shmterly visited day in Anderson of money arc harder to pct hold of than you might think for until you begin looking around You will find it an easy matter to pct any amount you want here We make a special ty of loaning amounts from $500 up to $10000 and can accommodate you without any delay what ever You may say that you do not need to boriow money Just stop and think a moment Do vou think of any one you owe that ouht to be paid is there something you ought to buy without delay? If so you can use a little mon ey to very pood advantage We can make you a Ioan on household goods pi ano horses vehicles and stock We will give you any length of time from one month to twelve to pay it back in small weekly monthly or quarterly in stallments ollowing is onr uuekly ptiymuiit plan which pays out your loan in 50 wwkg $060 Is the weekly payment 120 is the weekly payment 240 is the weekly payment Oilni1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 li th chum I 1 'i 1 1 1' I i 1 I 14 very i tn pi i ry mid I ra suction gm Limit cd to le strict ly coil lulciitial Indiana Loan Company (Established 1894) Room 259 Union Block Both Phones Private Office Anderson Indiana Mr and Mrs George Quick spent yeswrday with friuuds at rankton Mrs Eraiik Ross and son Howard uf Alexandria arc the Jjesis of Mrs William Wallace ami faufily Airs rank ence has home from a visit with friends at ilremi 1ield Dr Edwins of Elwood spent yes ierday in this city tin business Ed IMlu'l rdiirib'il home yes terday froTna visit wiih friends at Middh'lo wn rank Ross of Alexandria spent Tuesday with friends this rtly Mr mid Airs Davin lhe arrival of vnrlPi gave new i iiconsistcnev bv Ing to appear Marlon News iritmue A Wild Ride for Life Miss Jessie Is spending a few days at I nd la na polls the guest of Myers Mrs Lew addy and little daugh ter Miss Sarah left yesterday for a visit with rulaiives' at Danville HI Miss Slowarl of Litbatmii has re turned hom*o after a pleasant visit in inis city Mr and Mrs Jewel Lowury visiting the former's par nts Springfield Gdiarlos Balos of Indianapolis b(5 1110 guest friends in this today Mr nnd Mrs Charles East daughters Misses Mae ami Daisy have returned lrmi a visit lo the St Tzmls Exposition Rev Ptisihi rdhmiitH of Orland Ind is visiting Janins orkuer of Linwood for a few days Miss lorenct' Barrett' of Cham paignu Hl is the guest of friends in this city for a few days Arthur Wellington left last evening on a business (rip to Indianapolis George Gee and Lou atieiidci ihc funeral of Mrs I lildrup at Tipton utT JB iAIhUr One yrar lyu Inst A 1 1 1 Ihuku Inking (or ron i patm i in 11m xv of it eck no if ml thr pile tu mid nt I end ot uh I Iley Aid uni troubli' ini' nt all I'anenri'U Jiavr doim wondi1 iH i ini' I mu otil i rely tired mid Invl IHo a new (it'oru 1 Krvr Nnjol on Sue?.

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Anderson Weekly Herald from Anderson, Indiana (2024)


What is the name of the newspaper in Anderson, Indiana? ›

The Daily Herald (Anderson, Ind.)

How do I cancel my Herald Bulletin subscription? ›

Call (765) 640-4848 and speak to one of our customer service reps .

What is Anderson Indiana known for? ›

Anderson is known for some of its popular attractions, which include: Harrah's Hoosier Park Racing & Casino. Mounds State Park. Indy Scream Park.

Is Anderson a city in Indiana? ›

Anderson is a city in Madison County, Indiana, United States, and the county seat of Madison County.

What is the largest paper in Indiana? ›

The Indianapolis Star (also known as IndyStar) is a morning daily newspaper that began publishing on June 6, 1903, in Indianapolis, Indiana, United States. It has been the only major daily paper in the city since 1999, when the Indianapolis News ceased publication.

Who owns the Anderson Herald Bulletin? ›

In 1949, the Herald and the Daily Bulletin merged, forming Anderson Newspapers, Inc., which was purchased in 2000 by CNHI, LLC.

How much is the Herald subscription? ›

The standard cost of a Herald Premium digital subscription costs $6 per week, charged every four weeks (28 days). Alternatively, you can purchase a full year subscription for $199.

How do I unsubscribe from Herald? ›

Access, make sure you are signed in with your email and password, and click your name on the top right corner. 3. Scroll down, then click on the “Cancel subscription” button.

How do I cancel my daily Herald online subscription? ›

Subscriptions that span up to 12 weeks (3 months): Customers must call Paddock Publications' customer service team within 48 hours of purchase. The subscription will terminate immediately and a full refund will be issued.

What Indian tribe lived in Anderson, Indiana? ›

The City of Anderson is named for Chief William Anderson, whose mother was a Delaware (Lenape) Indian and whose father was of Swedish descent.

Is Anderson, Indiana a nice place to live? ›

Living in Anderson offers residents a sparse suburban feel and most residents own their homes. In Anderson there are a lot of parks. Many families live in Anderson and residents tend to lean conservative.

What is the race population in Anderson Indiana? ›

Racial distribution of Anderson population: 75.75% are white, 15.52% are Black or African American, 0.35% are American Indian and Alaska Native, 0.70% are Asian, 2.45% are some other race and 5.22% are multiracial.

What is the ethnicity of Anderson Indiana? ›

Anderson Demographics

White: 75.75% Black or African American: 15.52%

What was the population of Anderson, Indiana in 1970? ›

Indiana City/Town Census Counts, 1900 to 2020
Anderson city20,17870,787
Andrews town7461,207
Angola city2,1415,117
Arcadia town1,4131,338
31 more rows

Is Anderson a suburb of Indianapolis? ›

Located in Madison County, Indiana, Anderson is a suburb of Indianapolis first developed in 1827. The city has a very interesting history with its early roots in Industrialization.

What is the main newspaper in Indianapolis? ›

Print media

The Indianapolis Star has the most subscriptions for a daily newspaper in the city. It is owned by Gannett, which also publishes a weekly newspaper called The Topics that focuses on local and community-related news for northern Indianapolis and the surrounding suburbs.

What is the name of the Bloomington Indiana newspaper? ›

The Herald-Times is a daily newspaper serving Bloomington, Indiana and surrounding areas.

What is the name of the Ann Arbor newspaper? ›

The Ann Arbor News is a newspaper serving Washtenaw and Livingston counties in Michigan.

Does Grand Prairie have a newspaper? ›

So putting articles in the Grand Prairie Herald will help get the news to everyone. You can also subscribe to the newspaper at the Herald or online at our official website:

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Author: Mr. See Jast

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Author information

Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.